January 2011 - National Labor Relations Board

January 2011 - National Labor Relations Board

January 2011 - National Labor Relations Board


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11846 FILING AND SERVICEA document, whether E-Filed or filed as a paper document, may always be servedby E-Filing at the Agency’s website on the Regional Director, Hearing Officer, orcounsel for the General Counsel at the Agency’s website. See Sec. 11846.4(c). However,when a paper document has been filed, service on other parties must be accomplished bymeans allowed by Sec. 102.114(a), (h), and (i), Rules and Regulations. See also Sec.11846.5.The instructions on the Agency’s website as well as Sec. 102.114(a) and (i), Rulesand Regulations should be carefully reviewed for all electronic filing and servicequestions.(c) Service on the Regional Director, Hearing Officer, or counsel for the GeneralCounsel by E-Filing at the Agency’s website: Electronic service on a Regional Director,Hearing Officer, or counsel for the General Counsel is available at the Agency’s websiteat http.//www.nlrb.gov for all documents requiring service under Sec. 102.114(a) and (i),Rules and Regulations. Such service by E-Filing, unless prohibited (see Sec. 11841.2), isavailable regardless of whether the document to be served was E-Filed or filed as a paperdocument. See OM Memo 07-07 (Revised) dated November 15, 2006. To servedocuments electronically on a Regional Director, Hearing Officer, or counsel for theGeneral Counsel, proceed to the Agency’s website click on E-Gov, select E-Filing, andfollow the detailed instructions.The above-described E-Filing service option is not available for service on otherparties. Service on other parties must be accomplished by means allowed under Sec.102.114(a), (h), and (i), Rules and Regulations. For service of E-Filed documents onother parties, see Sec. 11846.4(b). For service of paper documents on other parties, seeSec. 11846.5.(d) Service on the Regional Director, Hearing Officer, or counsel for the GeneralCounsel by Email When E-Filing: Documents filed electronically with the <strong>Board</strong>, theDivision of Judges, or a Regional Office through the Agency’s website athttp://www.nlrb.gov may also be served by email on the Regional Director, HearingOfficer, or counsel for the General Counsel. See Sec. 102.114(a) and (i), Rules andRegulations, and Sec. 11846.4(b). Additionally, as noted in Sec. 11846.4(c), suchelectronic service may also be made by E-Filing through the Agency’s website.Email service on a Regional Director, Hearing Officer, or counsel for the GeneralCounsel is not effective service if the document was filed as a paper document instead ofby E-Filing at the Agency’s website. See Sec. 102.114(a) and (i), Rules and Regulations.11846.5 Service of Paper Documents on Other PartiesWhere service of paper documents by a party on other parties is required, suchservice may be made personally or by registered mail, certified mail, regular mail, or byprivate delivery service. Service of documents by a party on other parties by any othermeans, including facsimile transmission, is permitted only with the consent of the partybeing served. In general, service on all parties shall be in the same manner as thatutilized in filing the document with the <strong>Board</strong> or in a more expeditious manner. SeeSecs. 102.114(a), (h), and (i) Rules and Regulations for specific applications.Revised 01/11

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