January 2011 - National Labor Relations Board

January 2011 - National Labor Relations Board

January 2011 - National Labor Relations Board


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10122 DISMISSALS/APPEALSThe Region has carefully investigated and considered your chargeagainst ________________ alleging violations under Section 8 of the<strong>National</strong> <strong>Labor</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> Act.Decision to Dismiss: Based on that investigation, I have concludedthat further proceedings are not warranted, and I am dismissing yourcharge for the following reasons:Your charge alleges [, among other things,] that [Briefly describeclosely related allegations and reasons for dismissal in the same paragraph.]Your charge also alleges that. . . .Finally, your charge also alleges that. . . .Your Right to Appeal: The <strong>National</strong> <strong>Labor</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Board</strong> Rulesand Regulations permit you to obtain a review of this action by filing anappeal with the GENERAL COUNSEL of the <strong>National</strong> <strong>Labor</strong> <strong>Relations</strong><strong>Board</strong>. Use of the Appeal Form (Form NLRB-4767) will satisfy thisrequirement. However, you are encouraged to submit a completestatement setting forth the facts and reasons why you believe that thedecision to dismiss your charge was incorrect.Means of Filing: An appeal may be filed electronically, by mail,or by delivery service. Filing an appeal electronically is preferred butnot required. The appeal MAY NOT be filed by fax. To file an appealelectronically, go to the Agency’s website at www.nlrb.gov, click on E-GOV, select E-FILING, and follow the detailed instructions. To file anappeal by mail or delivery service, address the appeal to the GeneralCounsel at the <strong>National</strong> <strong>Labor</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Board</strong>, Attn: Office of Appeals,1099 14th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20570-0001. Unless filedelectronically, a copy of the appeal should also be sent to me.Appeal Due Date and Time: The appeal is due on [14 days fromissuance]. If you file the appeal electronically, it will be consideredtimely filed if the transmission of the entire document through theAgency’s website is accomplished no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern timeon the due date. A failure to timely file an appeal electronically will notbe excused on the basis of a claim that the receiving machine was offlineor unavailable, the sending machine malfunctioned, or for any otherRevised 01/11

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