Sustained Innovation and Creativity - Toyota Industries Corporation

Sustained Innovation and Creativity - Toyota Industries Corporation

Sustained Innovation and Creativity - Toyota Industries Corporation


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(5) Marketable securities <strong>and</strong> investment insecurities<strong>Toyota</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> classifi es securities into four categoriesby purpose of holding: trading securities, held-to-maturitysecurities, other securities <strong>and</strong> investments inunconsolidated subsidiaries <strong>and</strong> affi liates. <strong>Toyota</strong> <strong>Industries</strong>did not have trading securities or held-to-maturitysecurities as of March 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2005.Other securities with readily determinable fair valuesare stated at fair value based on market prices at theend of the year. Unrealized gains <strong>and</strong> losses are includedin “Net unrealized gains on other securities” as a separatecomponent of shareholders’ equity. Cost of sales of suchsecurities is determined by the moving-average method.Other securities without readily determinable fair valuesare stated at cost, as determined by the moving-averagemethod.Investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries <strong>and</strong> affi liatesare accounted for by the equity method (see Note 2 (2)).(6) InventoriesInventories are stated mainly at cost determined by themoving-average method.(7) Property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment, <strong>and</strong>depreciationProperty, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment are stated at cost.Depreciation expenses of property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipmentare computed mainly by the declining-balance methodfor the Company <strong>and</strong> Japanese subsidiaries <strong>and</strong> by thestraight-line method for foreign subsidiaries.Signifi cant renewals <strong>and</strong> additions are capitalized atcost. Repairs <strong>and</strong> maintenance are charged to incomeas incurred.Accumulated depreciation as of March 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong>2005 was ¥585,996 million (US$4,988,474 thous<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong>¥541,383 million, respectively.(8) Intangible assets <strong>and</strong> amortizationAmortization of intangible assets is computed using thestraight-line method. Software costs for internal use areamortized by the straight-line method over their expecteduseful lives (mainly fi ve years).Goodwill, if material, is amortized principally over lessthan 20 years on a straight-line basis, while immaterialgoodwill is charged to income as incurred.Accumulated amortization of intangibles <strong>and</strong> goodwillas of March 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2005 was ¥53,553 million(US$455,887 thous<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong> ¥42,637 million, respectively.(9) Impairment of fi xed assetsCalculation of the impairment of fi xed assets is based onreasonable <strong>and</strong> supportable assumptions <strong>and</strong> projectionof the grouping of assets <strong>and</strong> recoverable value, withdue consideration for the specifi c conditions of eachcompany.The recoverable amount of assets is calculated basedon net selling price. The change in accounting policy isdescribed in Note 3.(10) Allowances for doubtful accounts<strong>Toyota</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> adopted the policy of providing anallowance for doubtful accounts in an amount suffi cientto cover possible losses on collection by estimatingindividually uncollectible amounts <strong>and</strong> applying to theremaining accounts a percentage determined by certainfactors such as historical collection experiences.(11) Deferred chargesStock issuance costs <strong>and</strong> bond issuance costs areexpensed as incurred.(12) Allowance for retirement benefi ts<strong>Toyota</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> accrues an amount which is consideredto be incurred in the period based on the estimatedprojected benefi t obligations <strong>and</strong> estimated pensionassets at the end of the year. To provide for the retirementbenefi ts for directors <strong>and</strong> corporate auditors, an amountwhich is calculated at the end of the year as required byan internal policy describing the retirement benefi ts fordirectors <strong>and</strong> corporate auditors is accrued.(13) Lease transactionsFinance leases other than those that are deemed totransfer the ownership of the leased assets to lesseesare accounted for mainly by a method similar to thatapplicable to ordinary operating leases.(14) Consumption taxThe consumption tax under the Japanese ConsumptionTax Law withheld by <strong>Toyota</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> on sales ofgoods is not included in the amount of net sales in theaccompanying consolidated statements of income, <strong>and</strong>the consumption tax paid by <strong>Toyota</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> under thelaw on purchases of goods <strong>and</strong> services, <strong>and</strong> expenses isnot included in the related amount.80 <strong>Toyota</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> Annual Report 2006

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