Deep Panuke Project Description - Encana

Deep Panuke Project Description - Encana

Deep Panuke Project Description - Encana


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Although the M&NP Option is the only option producing sales gas, the same product specificationrequirements will be met for SOEP Subsea Option as the SOEP facilities require a sweet feedstock.The amine-sweetening unit is based on physical absorption using a solvent to absorb the impurities (H 2 Sand CO 2 ). The solvent is then regenerated via heating to release the absorbed impurities. The process iscyclic, in which the amine is continuously circulated through the absorber/contactor to pick up theimpurities, then routed to a regenerator to release the impurities.Remaining CO 2 and H 2 S amounts not removed during the amine sweetening process remain in the salesgas, which is sent to market. The amine-sweetening unit is a closed loop system.The amine solvent used in the sweetening unit will be methyldiethanolamine, which will improve theselectivity between H 2 S and CO 2 absorption. The cyclic process can result in a build up of impurities inthe amine solvent over time. If the amine solvent requires a change, whether complete or partial (diluteout the impurities), it is removed from the process and shipped to shore for reclaiming (manufacturer toclean and recycle). Production will be halted when a complete change-out of amine solvent is required.The change-out of the amine solvent will be subject to the EPP. Acid Gas HandlingAcid gas from the amine regenerator will be compressed to approximately 15,100 kPa (from a feed pressureof 150 kPa) using a multi-stage compressor. Water condensing between the compressor stages recycledback to the processing facilities. The compressed acid gas will be injected into a suitable, subsurfacereservoir. Table 2.5 describes the design flow and composition for the acid gas injection system.The <strong>Project</strong> does have the capability to flare acid gas. The capability to flare the acid gas stream isrequired to provide operational flexibility in times of maintenance and/or operational issues.Table 2.5 Acid Gas Injection System – Composition and Flow<strong>Description</strong>Design DataMass Flow (kg/h) 8100STD Gas Flow (m 3 /hr) 5325Molar Flow (kgmole/hr) 230Pressure (kPa) 150Temperature (C) 56Component Mole %CO 2 63.2H 2 S 18.5CH 4 17.0C2 + 1.1H 2 O 0.24Note: The flow represents the total feed to the acid gas management system including acid gas from the amine system andH 2 S removed from the condensate fuel for the Mean Production Profile (Mean denotes the statistical Mean value of aprobability distribution).<strong>Deep</strong> <strong>Panuke</strong> Volume 4 (Environmental Assessment Report)· November 2006 2-34

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