Deep Panuke Project Description - Encana

Deep Panuke Project Description - Encana

Deep Panuke Project Description - Encana


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zones over the pipeline although there will be fishing restrictions over the subsea connection to theSOEP pipeline for the SOEP Subsea Option. As with the installation and interfield flowlines, nauticalcharts will be updated for the export pipeline through the Canadian Hydrographic Service.2.4.5 Onshore FacilitiesIn addition to the onshore pipeline, other onshore facilities will include a pig launcher/receiver facilityand a safety/emergency shutdown valve system. Periodic mechanical, electrical, instrumentation andgeneral housekeeping maintenance will be performed. For example, valves, piping, or general lightingwill require routine maintenance. Site visits will take place periodically.EnCana will take care to avoid use of invasive species in post-construction revegetation efforts and willplace a clear priority on the use of native species. Vegetation management will be conducted mainly bymechanical means and will be confined to the RoW. Herbicide use will be restricted to valve sites andmeter stations and will involve low application rates of compounds with low persistence and low ecologicaltoxicity. Herbicides will not be used within close proximity (e.g., 30 m) of watercourses or wetlands.2.5 Decommissioning and AbandonmentThe mean production life of the <strong>Project</strong> is anticipated to be 13.3 years; however, the resource forecastshow a probable production life ranging from 8 to 17.5 years. The design life is 20 years for thetopsides and 25 years for the remaining <strong>Project</strong> structures. As is common in the industry, facility lifecould be extended beyond 20 years with appropriate technical and maintenance activities in the eventreservoir productivity or additional resources prolong the life of the <strong>Project</strong>.The following facilities will require decommissioning and abandonment:· MOPU;· subsea production and injection wells;· subsea facilities;· offshore gas export pipeline;· onshore pipeline (M&NP Option only); and· onshore facilities (M&NP Option only).Decommissioning and abandonment of these facilities will be performed in accordance with theregulatory requirements applicable at the time of such activities. An action plan for decommissioningwill be submitted to the appropriate authorities for approval prior to commencement ofdecommissioning and abandonment activities.<strong>Deep</strong> <strong>Panuke</strong> Volume 4 (Environmental Assessment Report)· November 2006 2-44

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