Age and ethnic restaurant visiting frequency - Theseus

Age and ethnic restaurant visiting frequency - Theseus

Age and ethnic restaurant visiting frequency - Theseus


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15The political environment consists of laws, government agencies, <strong>and</strong> pressuregroups that influence or limit various organizations <strong>and</strong> individuals in a given society.Political factors have great impact on business. For example, privatization of formergovernment owned businesses itself changes the competitive scenario. Organizationneed to be able to respond general political climate <strong>and</strong> should adjust the companypolicy accordingly. With increasing level of general public awareness, legislations thataffect business are increasing in number each day. Underst<strong>and</strong>ing legal implicationsof business activity is not always straightforward. Moreover, legislations are constantlychanging <strong>and</strong> evolving. What was previously, allowed legally could be prohibitednow <strong>and</strong> what was prohibited before could be allowed now. (Armstrong & Kotler,2011, 111)Laws are enacted for a number of reasons. The main aim of legal system is to protectfairness of market mechanism. Laws are passed to prevent unfair competition <strong>and</strong>practices that are harmful to the society <strong>and</strong> overall economy. Another purpose oflegal system is to protect consumers’ rights. Regulations protect customer from invadingprivacy, lies in advertisement, <strong>and</strong> from deceiving through packaging <strong>and</strong> pricing.Profitable business activity alone does not guarantee to create better quality oflife but regulations are also needed to ensure that firms take responsibility for thesocial cost of the product. Regulatory alone cannot always cover all potential abuses.Beyond laws <strong>and</strong> regulations, business is also governed by social codes <strong>and</strong> rules.Organization should protect the long-run interests of their consumers <strong>and</strong> the environment.Social responsibility can be exercised by linking the company with worthwhilecauses which in turn helps to build positive image of the company. For example,from every single sale of particular product certain amount can be donated forthe education of poor children. (Blythe 2001, 24-25)Institutions <strong>and</strong> other forces that affect society’s basic values, perceptions, preferences<strong>and</strong> behaviors form cultural environment. Cultural factors strongly affectpeople in different behavioral level ranging from how people think <strong>and</strong> how they consume.So marketers are keenly interested in the cultural environment. People growup in a particular society <strong>and</strong> the social environment shapes their basic values, beliefs,<strong>and</strong> perceptions. People hold beliefs <strong>and</strong> values with high degree of persistence.It affects to people attitudes <strong>and</strong> behaviors. Beliefs <strong>and</strong> values are passedfrom parents to children <strong>and</strong> reinforced by educational institutions, churches, temples,business <strong>and</strong> government. Values can be classified as primary <strong>and</strong> secondary. Primaryvalues are more persistent <strong>and</strong> are difficult to change. However, secondary

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