Age and ethnic restaurant visiting frequency - Theseus

Age and ethnic restaurant visiting frequency - Theseus

Age and ethnic restaurant visiting frequency - Theseus


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29ship of measured variables using statistical tools like difference between means,st<strong>and</strong>ard deviation <strong>and</strong> correlation coefficient. Quantitative research mainly focusedon collection <strong>and</strong> analysis of data. Mostly size of data in quantitative methods is biggerthan in qualitative research methods. (Hopkins, 2008)Correctness through quantitative methods <strong>and</strong> reliability through measurement areimportant features of quantitative research. Research is controlled through sampling<strong>and</strong> research design. By using controlled experiments it can produce causality statement.All the data are in numeric format which gives possibility of use of statisticaltools for sophisticated analysis. Reproducibility is another important element of quantitativeresearch method. (Hughes, 2012)In quantitative research, gathering data through survey is the biggest task towardsachieving desired success in the study. It is difficult to get to the targeted population<strong>and</strong> get desired sample (150 for this research) from it. People more often ignore webbased email <strong>and</strong> survey which also create problem while doing research with quantitativemethod. Because of low return rate, collected sample can’t represent wholepopulation size. (Leedy 1997, 104-111)This study uses both quantitative <strong>and</strong> qualitative research methods. First, quantitativeresearch method was employed to underst<strong>and</strong> the customers’ awareness, preferences<strong>and</strong> choices regarding food <strong>and</strong> <strong>ethnic</strong> <strong>restaurant</strong>. For this purpose, customersurvey was conducted. Questionnaire was prepared with a view of extracting relevantinformation for further analysis. Sensitive <strong>and</strong> more personal questions were avoided.Main purpose of whole questionnaire was set to get data to analyze customer preferencetoward <strong>ethnic</strong> <strong>restaurant</strong>, <strong>ethnic</strong> food to study the feasibility of <strong>ethnic</strong> <strong>restaurant</strong>.Survey period lasted three month, September to the end of November 2012. Total150 forms were distributed in different outlets. Out of 150 forms, only 113 responseswere received. Further, nine responses were either answered less than fifty percentor left empty. Respondents were r<strong>and</strong>omly selected by distributing questionnaire indifferent places. Questionnaires were distributed in <strong>restaurant</strong>s (Pikkuhimalaja &Gunsmoke), second h<strong>and</strong> shop (Oranssikirppis), sports hall (Liikuntatalo), school(Savonia-amk). 83% of respondents were living in Varkaus. The r<strong>and</strong>om sample alsoincluded 17% of non-residents of Varkaus.In the second part of the study, qualitative research method was used to collect informationrelated to operating environment of <strong>ethnic</strong> <strong>restaurant</strong>. Four <strong>ethnic</strong> restau-

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