Age and ethnic restaurant visiting frequency - Theseus

Age and ethnic restaurant visiting frequency - Theseus

Age and ethnic restaurant visiting frequency - Theseus


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25Example of a SWOT analysisStrengthsstrong expertiseexperienceknowledge of the industryinnovative ProductContactsWeakness weak language skills insufficient personalfunds no experience of workingas an entrepreneur new cultureOpportunities globalization potential for growth new product <strong>and</strong> services new market shareThreats entrepreneur’s ability torun the business tough competition change in law political situationTABLE 2. Example of SWOT Analysis. (Finnish Enterprises agency 2011, 15)Product describes offerings that are to be sold in the market it. Details of the productare very important because products are the basis of revenue generation for anybusiness. A product description should have explained how the product is differentthan others, uniqueness of product <strong>and</strong> service. It also includes methods in whichitem are sold with explanation of customer benefit, suppliers details, company’spricing strategy <strong>and</strong> competitive advantage of own products. (Waters, 2012)No business exists without customer. No matter whatever products <strong>and</strong> services areoffered, they are produced for the consumption by the customers. People who pay forour product <strong>and</strong> services are customers. In modern age, company analyzes customerneeds first <strong>and</strong> then produces goods as per customer needs. (Mallory, 2012)For B2C business the details of customer living place, customers’ age, gender, profession,<strong>and</strong> education level should include. It also includes information about localresidents, typical age group customer, customer behavior like customer value <strong>and</strong>

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