PDF - 4.73MB - Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority

PDF - 4.73MB - Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority

PDF - 4.73MB - Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority


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SPORT Approved Closed Pending RejectedApprovalNot RequiredTOTALSoftball 1 2 3Surf Life Saving 1 1 1 3Swimming 2 5 7Table Tennis 1 1Ten Pin Bowling 2 2 4Tennis 2 2Triathlon 1 4 5Underwater hockey 1 1Volleyball 2 2Water Polo 1 1Weightlifting 6 2 1 9Wheelchair Basketball 1 1 2Wheelchair Rugby League 1 7 8Grand Total 237 15 6 12 67 337Table 20: SUBSTANCES AND METHODS APPROVED FOR THERAPEUTIC USE 2012–13AcetazolamideAdrenalineAnastrozoleAtenololBlood TransfusionClomipheneCortisoneDesmopressinDexamethasoneDexamphetamineFentanylFludrocortisoneFrusemideFurosemideGoserelinGrowth HormoneHCGHydrochlorothiazideHydrocortisoneHydrocortisonesodium succinateIndapamideInsulinIntravenous InfusionLetrozoleLeuprorelin acetateMethadoneMethylphenidateMetoprololModafinilMorphineNebivolol hydrochlorideOxycodonePrednisolonePrednisoneProbenecidSalbutamolSpironolactoneTamoxifenTerbutalineTestosteroneTibolone144

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