PDF - 4.73MB - Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority

PDF - 4.73MB - Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority

PDF - 4.73MB - Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority


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Table 12: TRENDS IN CONSULTANCIESConsultancies 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13Existing consultancy contracts 4 1 6New consultancy contracts 4 5 4Total consultancy contracts 8 6 10Total expenditure $549,786 $273,316 $280,708A list of consultancy services valued at $10,000 or more is available on our website at .Annual reports contain information about actual expenditure on contracts for consultancies. Information on thevalue of contracts and consultancies is available on the AusTender website .Competitive tendering and contractingASADA’s objectives in outsourcing services are to obtain value for money, encourage innovation andimprove accountability and performance in the service delivery process, in line with the CommonwealthProcurement Guidelines.Auditor-General accessASADA has not entered into any contracts that exclude the Auditor-General from having access to our contractors.Exempt contractsThere are no current contracts or standing offers that have been exempted from publication in AusTender on thebasis that they would disclose exempt matters under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.GRANT PROGRAMSASADA did not issue any grants in 2012–13.72

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