PDF - 4.73MB - Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority

PDF - 4.73MB - Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority

PDF - 4.73MB - Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority


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This report on performance addresses the outcome and performance information set out for the <strong>Australian</strong> <strong>Sports</strong><strong>Anti</strong>-<strong>Doping</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> (ASADA) in the Portfolio Budget Statements 2012–13 for the Regional Australia, LocalGovernment, Arts and Sport portfolio.The resources made available to ASADA to protect the health of athletes and the integrity of <strong>Australian</strong> sport arelisted in the financial information chapter.We diligently carry out our responsibility through deterrence, detection and enforcement activities aimed ateliminating doping in sport.We perform our deterrence function mainly by conducting a testing program, building awareness of anti-dopingamong athletes and support personnel and helping national sporting organisations (NSOs) and individual athletesunderstand and meet their anti-doping responsibilities. Detection is achieved through an integrated programof intelligence gathering, scientific- and intelligence-driven testing, and investigations. Enforcement is pursuedthrough managing cases of possible anti-doping rule violations and the presentation of cases in relevant tribunals.PROGRAM 1.1 — DETERRENCE, DETECTION AND ENFORCEMENTDeliverablesASADA protects the health of athletes and the integrity of <strong>Australian</strong> sport by:> producing a range of general awareness and targeted education and communications programs> providing support and assistance to national sporting organisations> delivering a robust detection program> continuing to strengthen its expert capability in the detection and management of alleged anti-dopingrule violations.In 2012–13 we expanded the reach of our education through new partnerships and via online technology.We participated in sports forums to improve people’s knowledge and understanding of the requirements ofthe World <strong>Anti</strong>-<strong>Doping</strong> Code (the Code). We engaged with stakeholders nationally and internationally to shareinformation and expertise. We also conducted detection and enforcement activities in accordance with ourlegislation and regulations, the Code and International Standards.Table 1: PROGRAM 1.1 QUALITATIVE DELIVERABLESQualitative deliverablesA comprehensive education and communicationsprogram delivered to athletes and support personnelfrom all recognised or funded national sportingorganisationsThe provision of effective advice and support tonational sporting bodies to ensure the development,implementation and management of consistent andenforceable anti-doping rules across all <strong>Australian</strong> sport2012–13 resultTargets for reaching participants through education andcommunication programs were exceededRepresentatives from 86 different stakeholder organisationsparticipated in the programs in 2012–13This compares to 77 in 2011–12 and 73 in 2010–11Management of anti-doping rule violations was consistent acrossnational sporting bodies26

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