PDF - 4.73MB - Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority

PDF - 4.73MB - Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority

PDF - 4.73MB - Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority


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Appendixes ASADA ANNUAL REPORT 2012:13Appendix C: INTERNATIONAL ANTI-DOPING ANDDOPING CONTROLTable 25: GOVERNMENT-TO-GOVERNMENT ARRANGEMENTSArrangements Type of arrangement Purpose of arrangementInternational <strong>Anti</strong>-<strong>Doping</strong>Arrangement (IADA)Council of Europe<strong>Anti</strong>-<strong>Doping</strong> ConventionUNESCO InternationalConventionAgainst <strong>Doping</strong> in SportMulti-lateral government agreementinvolving Australia, Canada, Denmark,Finland, Netherlands, New Zealand,Norway, South Africa, Sweden and theUnited KingdomMulti-lateral government agreement whichhas to date been ratified by 51 states —it is also open to non-member states of theCouncil of Europe and has been adoptedby four of these including AustraliaMulti-lateral government agreement toapply the force of international law toanti-doping. 175 governments ratified,accepted, approved or acceded to thisinternational instrumentDevelop common anti-doping practices among eachof the IADA member nationsHarmonise existing practices where possibleEnsure that the practices employed are identifiable asworld best practice and use this standard to influenceother sporting nations to follow suitProvide for parties to cooperate in the fight againstdoping through doping control programs (notincluding drug testing services)Provide for parties to cooperate in the fightagainst doping through doping control programs(not including drug testing services)Oblige parties to adopt appropriate measures at thenational and international levels that are consistentwith the principles of the World <strong>Anti</strong>-<strong>Doping</strong> Code151

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