Lord, please help me to change - Judith Couchman

Lord, please help me to change - Judith Couchman

Lord, please help me to change - Judith Couchman


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LORD, PLEAS E HEL P M E T O CHANG Eor shouldn' t o r won' t accomplis h th e task . Bu t a s long a s ou rgoals are worthy and God-inspired , w e needn't liste n t o them .As a weekend author , I'v e thought o f thi s often and espe -cially recently. Som e people thin k I' m reclusive , bu t I know tha tin writing books , I' m walkin g throug h God' s open door . An dwith th e completion o f thi s manuscript, I'l l hav e accomplished amajor life goal, <strong>change</strong>d th e direction o f my writing, and hopeful -ly <strong>to</strong>uched people' s lives .Besides, critic s seldom kno w al l o f the facts . I take tim e of fbetween projects , I still socializ e wit h friends , I pursue hobbies ,and putte r around <strong>to</strong>wn . I know m y life isn't al l work and n o play ,but i t still hurts when critic s dig for dysfunctions. That's when Ineed t o find comfort i n God an d friends who understand .Whatever w e wor k t o accomplish , whateve r w e tr y t o<strong>change</strong>, mos t likel y critics will snipe a t us . Bu t don't worry . Whe nthey begin , w e ca n re<strong>me</strong>mbe r an d b e inspire d b y Jesus, th eauthor an d finishe r of our faith . He ignore d th e critic s and utter -ly <strong>change</strong>d th e world .ELPERSONAL CHECKPOIN T1. Ar e there critic s who don't wan t you t o <strong>change</strong>? I f so, what d othey say ?2. Hav e these critics affected your desire t o <strong>change</strong>? Explain .GOD'S VIEWPOIN TEncourage<strong>me</strong>nt t o keep pressin g on :1 want <strong>to</strong> encourage you <strong>to</strong> fight hard for the faith that was given the holypeople of God once and for all ti<strong>me</strong>.Dear friends, re<strong>me</strong>mber what the apostles of our <strong>Lord</strong> Jesus Christsaid before. They said <strong>to</strong> you, "In the last ti<strong>me</strong>s there will be people wholib

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