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山 雞 十 分 喜 歡 自 己 的 羽 毛 , 看 到 自己 的 影 像 , 以 為 另 有 一 隻 山 雞 , 就 跳 啊叫 個 不 停 , 直 到 活 活 把 自 己 累 死 。山雞舞鏡寓 意 :做 人 不 可 顧 影 自 憐 , 自 鳴 得 意 。The rooster loved to see its own reflection in the mirror, beautiful feathers and all. It probablythought that the rooster in the mirror was one of its own. It was excited, and wouldn’t stop jumpingand crowing all over like it was possessed. Finally, the rooster exhausted itself to death.The moral of the story is that arrogance feeds on itself. Only by listening to others can you knowwho you truly are.10

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