Report - The American Presidency Project

Report - The American Presidency Project

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CONTENTSNATIONAL INCOME OR EXPENDITURE:PageB-l. Gross national product, 1929-76 187B-2. Gross national product in 1972 dollars, 1929-76 188B-3. Implicit price deflators for gross national product, 1929-76 190B-4. Implicit price deflators and alternative price measures of grossnational product and gross domestic product, 1929-76 192B-5. Gross national product by industry in 1972 dollars, 1947-75 193B-6. Gross national product by major type of product, 1929-76 194B-7. Gross national product by major type of product in 1972 dollars,1929-76 195B-8. Gross national product: Receipts and expenditures by major economicgroups, 1929-76 196B-9. Gross national product by sector, 1929-76 198B-10. Gross national product by sector in 1972 dollars, 1929-76 199B-ll. Gross domestic product of nonfinancial corporate business, 1929-76. . 200B-l2. Output, costs, and profits of nonfinancial corporate business, 1948-76. 201B-l3. Personal consumption expenditures, 1929-76 202B-14. Gross private domestic investment, 1929-76 203B-l5. Inventories and final sales of business, 1946-76 204B-l6. Inventories and final sales of business in 1972 dollars, 1947-76 205B-l 7. Relation of gross national product and national income, 1929-76.... 206B-l8. Relation of national income and personal income, 1929-76 207B-l9. National income by type of income, 1929-76 208B-20. Sources of personal income, 1929-76 210B-21. Disposition of personal income, 1929-76 212B-22. Total and per capita disposable personal income and personal consumptionexpenditures in current and 1972 dollars, 1929-76 213B-23. Gross saving and investment, 1929-76 214B-24. Saving by individuals, 1946-76 215B-25. Number and money income (in 1975 dollars) of families and unrelatedindividuals, by race of head, 1947-75 216POPULATION, EMPLOYMENT, WAGES, AND PRODUCTIVITY:B-26. Population by age groups, 1929-76 217B-27. Noninstitutional population and the labor force, 1929-76 218B-28. Civilian employment and unemployment by sex and age, 1947-76. . 220B-29. Selected unemployment rates, 1948-76 221B-30. Unemployment by duration, 1947-76 222B-31. Unemployment insurance programs, selected data, 1946-76 223B-32. Wage and salary workers in nonagricultural establishments, 1929-76. 224B-33. Average weekly hours and hourly earnings in selected private nonagriculturalindustries, 1947-76 226B-34. Average weekly earnings in selected private nonagricultural industries,1947-76 227B-35. Productivity and related data, private business economy, 1947-76. . . 228B-36. Changes in productivity and related data, private business economy,1948-76 229183

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