Report - The American Presidency Project

Report - The American Presidency Project

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19291933Year orquarter1939...19401941194219431944194519461947194819491950195119521953195419551956 . ...1957195819591960196119621963196419651966196719681969197019711972197319741975 ..1976P1974: 1in".".".".IV....1975: 1II....III....IV....1976: 1IIIII....Total15.9.98 713.518.510. 641.249 034.849.755.549 348.149 465.673.672.660 475.878 975 883 689 6100 1115.4122.9120 3130 8147 5143.4155 4177.5216.8205.3191.2231.9213.0206.5200.0201.7172.1180.2204.6208.0222.1234.2234.2TABLE B-23.—Gross saving and investment, 1929-76[Billions of dollars; quarterly data at seasonally adjusted annual rates]Gross private savingTotal14.92.210.914.222.241.949.454.144.629.226.840.638.241.649.453 155.056 562.468.471.773.077.375.880.087.488.9102.4114.9124.2134.6136 3136.8151.9173.0180.4210. 5211.6255.6276.4216.4206.4201.0222.4217.0273.2262.7269.4273.8279.1278.9273.6Personalsaving3.1- 44.910 66.710.814.816 017.015 614.919.720.621 718.817 120.220 418 826 130.333.040 938 135.150.657 349.470.372.284.077.872.667.867.680.867.2104.580.583.779.582.975.872.9Gross savingGrossbusinesssaving* 047.548.751.151.358.558.759.867 2101.7101.4115 7131.0140.2139.4171.6198.6143.8138.6133.4141.6149.8168.7182.2185.7194.3'96. 2203.1Government surplus ordeficit (-), nationalincome and productaccountsTotal1.0-1.4-2.2-.7-3.8-31.4-44.1-51.8-39.55.414.48.4-'.O-20.8-45.0-92.9-58.1-61.5-51.6-44.9-44.71.2-1.3-2.2-1.3-5.1-33.1-46.6-54.5-42.13.513.48.3-—71.2-58.3-4.1-7.6-9.0-25.3-49.8-99.9-66.0-69.4—63.8-54.1-57.4Stateandlocal-0.2-. theUnitedStates,(net) 2FederalGross investmentGrossprivateTotal domesticinvestment17.0 16.21.6 1.410.1 9 314.6 13.119.0 17.99.7 9.93.5 5.85.1 7.29.2 10.635.3 30 742.9 34.047.8 45 935.9 35.351.7 53.859.5 59.251.9 52 151.4 53.352.4 52 768.0 68.472.8 71.072.8 69.262.0 61.975.5 77.678.2 76.477.3 74.387.6 85.293.4 90.2102.3 96.6116.3 112.0126.1 124.5122.1 120.8130.2 131.5144.2 146.2141.4 140.8156.8 160.0179.2 188.3219.4 220.0211.9 215.0195.6 183.7239.5 241.2215.4 216.4213.6 218.8207.7 213.3211.0 211.5.0 178.5 172.4.0 180.3 164.4.0 209.8 196.7.0 214.0 201.4.0 229.4 229.6.0 240.0 239.2.0 242.9 247.0.0 245.8 3~L83.6- 41.1-.8- 73.33 02.5 g21 711.64— 6-3.3-2.11 Undistributed corporate profits with inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments, corporate and noncorporatecapital consumption allowances with capital consumption adjustment, and private wage accruals less disbursements.2 Allocations of special drawing rights (SDR), except as noted in footnote 4.3 Net exports of goods and services less net transfers to foreigners and interest paid by government to foreigners pluscapital grants received by the United States, net.< In February 1974, the U.S. Government paid to India $2,010 million (quarterly rate) in rupees under provisions of theAgricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act. This transaction is being treated as capita! grants paid to foreigners,and is included in the first quarter of 1974 as—$8.0 (annual rate) in capital grants received by the United States.Source: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.2142.*.l6.

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