Report - The American Presidency Project

Report - The American Presidency Project

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PageB-76. Estimated ownership of public debt securities, 1967-76 275B-77. Average length and maturity distribution of marketable interestbearingpublic debt held by private investors, 1967-76 276CORPORATE PROFITS AND FINANCE:B-78. Corporate profits with inventory valuation and capital consumptionadjustments, 1946-76 277B-79. Corporate profits by industry, 1929-76 278B-80. Corporate profits of manufacturing industries, 1929-76 280B-81. Sales, profits, and stockholders 5 equity, all manufacturing corporations,1947-76 282B-82. Relation of profits after taxes to stockholders' equity and to sales, allmanufacturing corporations, 1947-76 283B-83. Relation of profits after taxes to stockholders' equity and to sales, allmanufacturing corporations, by industry group, 1975-76 284B-84. Sources and uses of funds, nonfarm nonfinancial corporate business,1946-76 285B-85. Current assets and liabilities of U.S. corporations, 1939-76 286B-86. State and municipal and corporate securities offered, 1934-76 287B-87. Common stock prices and yields, 1949-76 288B-88. Business formation and business failures, 1929-76 289AGRICULTURE:B-89. Income of farm people and farmers, 1929-76 290B-90. Farm production indexes, 1929-76 291B-91. Farm population, employment, and productivity, 1929-76 292B-92. Indexes of prices received and prices paid by farmers and selected farmresource prices, 1929-76 293B-93. Selected measures of farm resources and inputs, 1929-76 294B-94. Comparative balance sheet of the farming sector, 1929-77 295INTERNATIONAL STATISTICS:B-95. U.S. international transactions, 1946-76 296B-96. U.S. merchandise exports and imports by commodity groups,1958-76 298B-97. U.S. merchandise exports and imports by area, 1970-76 299B-98. U.S. overseas loans and grants, by type and area, fiscalyears, 1962-75. 300B-99. International reserves, 195?, 1962, and 1972-76 301B-100. U.S. reserve assets, 1946-76 302B-101. International investment position of the United States at year-end,1971-75 303B-102. Price changes in international trade, 1968-76 304B-103. Consumer price indexes in the United States and other major industrialcountries, 1955-76 305General NotesDetail in these tables may not add to totals because of rounding.Unless otherwise noted, all dollar figures are in current dollars.Symbols used:* Preliminary._ _ Not available (also, not applicable).185

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