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<strong>Armenia</strong> Country Gender Assessment5. Energy• Conduct needs assessments to identify women’s specific energy needs in <strong>Armenia</strong>before undertaking energy projects.• Conduct household-level research into gender roles relevant to energy use thatinclude assessments of the time spent by females on domestic tasks when energysupply is limited to assess how women are impacted by energy supply problems, inadditional time spent on housework or complicating home-based production (e.g.,making food products or handicrafts to sell). Such research should be used to developbaseline data to evaluate gender-specific benefits.• During project implementation, conduct qualitative assessments of thegender-specific benefits that can be attributed to energy projects in the community,for example, installation of street lights or improved energy efficiency of publicbuildings such as schools and health clinics. Specifically evaluate any increase infemale mobility and reductions in crime and childhood illnesses.• Assist women’s NGOs that have missions to promote renewable sources of energy tobuild their capacities and also encourage cooperation and consultations between civilsociety organizations, international organizations, and government agencies on thistopic.• Work with key employers in the energy sector to ensure that women have accessto any jobs that may be created when renewable energy technologies are adopted,through job fairs, positive recruitment, and support for academic and trainingprograms for women.82

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