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ReferencesUnited Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). 2011. Factsheet on “Woman’s Image in <strong>Armenia</strong>nMedia” Study Results. New York.———. 2012. Prevalence of and Reasons for Sex-Selective Abortions in <strong>Armenia</strong>. Yerevan.———. 2013. Factsheet on “Sex Imbalances at Birth in <strong>Armenia</strong>: Demographic Evidence andAnalysis” Report. New York.United Nations. 2006. Ending Violence against Women: From Words to Action. A Study of theSecretary General. New York.United Nations. 2010. UNiTE to End Violence against Women Campaign. New York.United States Department of State. 2013. Trafficking in Persons Report. Washington, DC.Wistrand, Birgitta. 2007. Women Empowerment and Cooperation in <strong>Armenia</strong> with a Focus onthe Syunik Region. Yerevan: OSCE.Women’s Council. 2013. Statement by the Women’s Council under the Prime Ministerof the Republic of <strong>Armenia</strong>. 25 November. http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/armenia/documents/news/20131125_en.pdfWomen’s Resource Center. 2011. Gender Dimensions of the Labor Market in <strong>Armenia</strong>.Yerevan.Women’s Support Center. 2013. Sociological Study on Gender Attitudes and Stereotypes in<strong>Armenia</strong>. Yerevan.WomenAm.net. Facts and Figures. http://womennet.am/հայ-միգրանտների-77տոկոսըտղամարդիկ-են-23/[in <strong>Armenia</strong>n].World Bank and International Finance Corporation. 2011. Enterprise Surveys Country NoteSeries: <strong>Armenia</strong>. Washington, DC.World Bank. 2006. Assessing the Enabling Governance Environment to Promote and EnforceWomen’s Rights in the Southern Caucasus. Washington, DC.World Economic Forum. 2013. Global Gender Gap Report 2013. Geneva.World Health Organization (WHO). 2009. Global Status Report on Road Safety. CountryProfiles. Geneva.———. 2011. Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence against Women. Fact Sheet No. 239.http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs239/en/index.html———. 2013. Global Status Report on Road Safety. Country Profiles. Geneva.———. Global Health Observatory Data Repository. http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main96

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