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ReferencesAznauryan, Zaruhi. 2013. Socio-Psychological Specifics of Adolescent Girls in Yerevan. Yerevan:Women’s Resource Center.Babayan, Tamara, Areg Gharabegian, Artak Hambarian, Morten Søndergaard, and KenellTouryan. 2011. Report: Renewable Energy Potential in <strong>Armenia</strong>. The <strong>Armenia</strong>n Weekly.3 December. http://www.armenianweekly.com/2011/12/03/report-renewable-energypotential-in-armenia/Berd Women’s Resource Center Foundation. 2013. The Socioeconomic Status of Women inthe Berd Region of <strong>Armenia</strong>. Berd.Caucasus Research Resource Centers and United National Development Programme(UNDP). 2011. Social Cohesion Survey. http://old.crrc.am/index.php/en/163Caucasus Research Resource Centers. 2011. How Does the South Caucasus Compare? 8(48). http://www.crrccenters.org/resources/ebulletin/———. 2013. Women in <strong>Armenia</strong>—Equality through Challenges! 6 April. http://crrcam.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/women-in-armenia-equality-through.htmlCivic Development and Partnership Foundation. 2012. Report on Public Opinion PollAbout People with Disabilities and Their Employment. Yerevan: United States Agency forInternational Development (USAID) and Save the Children.Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, European Parliament. 2013. DraftReport with Recommendations to the Commission on Combating Violence againstWomen. 2013/2004(INL). Brussels.Council of Europe. 2007. Gender Matters: Manual on Gender-Based Violence Affecting YoungPeople. Budapest. http://eycb.coe.int/gendermatters/Dallakyan, Ani and Narine Hakobyan. 2007. Domestic Violence and Abuse of Women in<strong>Armenia</strong>: Report on Nationwide Survey Findings. Yerevan: Women’s Rights Center.de Waal, Thomas. 2013. An Offer Sargsyan Could Not Refuse. Eurasia Outlook.http://carnegie.ru/eurasiaoutlook/?fa=52841Deegener, S., M. Samwel, and E. Anakhasyan. 2009. UDD Toilets in Rural School Hayanist,<strong>Armenia</strong>—Case Study of Sustainable Sanitation Projects. Sustainable Sanitation Alliance(SuSanA). http://www.susana.org/docs_ccbk/susana_download/2-54-en-susana-csarmenia-hayanist-school.pdfDuban, Elisabeth. 2010. Gender Assessment: USAID/<strong>Armenia</strong>. Washington, DC: USAID.Dulgaryan, Anush, George Welton, Aaron Erlich, and Andrew Golda. 2008. Labor Migrationin <strong>Armenia</strong>n Communities: A Community Survey. Yerevan: Eurasia Partnership Foundationand Caucasus Research Resource Centers.89

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