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IV.Recommendations261. The first part of this section includes recommendations on crosscutting genderissues that are relevant to a large group of actors, including government institutions,development partners, international organizations, donors, and nongovernmentorganizations (NGOs). The second part lists opportunities for gender mainstreaming intoactivities in those sectors where ADB anticipates projects under the country partnershipstrategy,2014–2018.A. Recommendations Relevant to Crosscutting Gender Issues1. General• Provide technical assistance to key government agencies to enable them to conductcomprehensive monitoring of the implementation of law and policy on genderequality, including the Equal Rights Law and the concept paper on gender equality.• Continue to participate in donor coordination meetings, and promote detailedmapping of gender equality initiatives to date and any overlapping areas of donoractivity and gaps in projects that address gender disparities.2. Gender Stereotypes• For organizations undertaking projects on gender equality, promote the benefits of aninclusive approach, in which women and men participate and benefit equally, whichwill lead to better-functioning institutions and better outcomes for society as a whole(rather than just “helping women”).• Undertake public campaigns to promote societal understanding of gender equality ascompatible with <strong>Armenia</strong>n values and supported by national law and policy.• To counter gender stereotypes, widely disseminate success stories through themedia and other outlets about women in varied sectors such as politics, business,education, medicine, the arts, and culture; and promote positive images of women in“nontraditional” sectors.• Support the creation and dissemination of women’s success stories relevant toproject sectors, for example, by funding awards and prizes, and encouraging executingagencies to do the same.• When undertaking consultations with women or women’s groups, ensure that womenfrom diverse groups are included, representing different socioeconomic groups andincluding women with disabilities.3. Political and Civic Participation• Support women at the local level to enter political office, and provide sustainedtechnical assistance so that they can network with other female politicians and gainskills in campaigning and working with their constituents.76

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