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Mainstreaming Gender in Project Operations161. In 2012–2013, ADB provided grants to three <strong>Armenia</strong>n nongovernmentorganizations (NGOs) to conduct pilot projects with gender themes. Each project hadspecific objectives and addressed different aspects of gender equality in <strong>Armenia</strong>:(i) capacity building on gender mainstreaming in local planning and budgeting processes,(ii) economic empowerment of rural women through small business promotion, and(iii) research into women’s entrepreneurship in <strong>Armenia</strong>. 232 The first project was carried outin close cooperation with the Ministry of Territorial Administration and included trainingand capacity building in gender mainstreaming for members of marz administrations andthe drafting of a manual on gender in local planning. The second project, implementedin Ashtarak, Ararat, Yerevan, and neighboring communities, had three key outputs:increasing the knowledge and skills of rural women in small and medium-sized enterprise(SME) management; establishing a network of rural businesswomen; and improvingwomen’s income-generating opportunities (i.e., through business training, consultationswith experts in agricultural production, and networking activities). The final pilot projectresulted in an assessment that highlighted both women’s motivations to start a businessand the constraints that they face. Collectively, the results of the pilot projects shouldenhance gender mainstreaming in other ADB operations.A. Gender Issues Related to Entrepreneurship and Micro, Small,and Medium-Sized Enterprise Development162. Private enterprise is an important economic driver for <strong>Armenia</strong>. In 2012, SMEsaccounted for 43% of the GDP. 233 In 2010, about one-third of the employed populationworked in the private sector—about two-thirds in large enterprises, and one-third inSMEs. 234 Of those employed in SMEs, 10.4% worked in micro enterprises, 14.0% in smallenterprises, and 9.1% in medium-sized enterprises. 235 Since 2000, the government hasannually developed a support program for SMEs, with the most recent policy, the NationalStrategy of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship Development, 2011–2015, focused oncreating a competitive environment for SMEs.163. Increasing the role of women in entrepreneurship, and especially developing theeconomic activity of rural women, is a key priority of the gender policy concept paper. 236In fact, support for women’s start-ups is one of the goals articulated in the Gender PolicyStrategic Action Plan. 237 These goals are also supported by the national SME strategythat includes a chapter on promoting women’s entrepreneurship. Increasing the ratio ofbusinesswomen among entrepreneurs is a means “to ensure equal opportunities for bothmales and females and enhance women’s role in entrepreneurship hence contributingto the establishment of additional workplaces in the country and ultimately to economicgrowth.” 238 The national SME strategy outlines an action plan to increase women’s232 The pilot projects were conducted by, respectively, the Caucasus Institute, the <strong>Armenia</strong>n Young Women’s Association, and Alpha PlusConsulting.233 Arka News Agency. 2013. SME in <strong>Armenia</strong> Accounted for 43% of GDP in 2012: Economy Ministry. 1 March. http://arka.am/en/news/business/sme_in_armenia_accounted_for_43_of_gdp_in_2012_economy_ministry/234 National Strategy of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship Development. SMEs in <strong>Armenia</strong>, A Statistical Overview. http://www.smednc.am/?laid=1&laid=1&com=module&module=static&id=173235 Ibid.236 Gender Policy Concept Paper of the Republic of <strong>Armenia</strong>, p. 12.237 Gender Policy Strategic Action Plan, 2011–2015, p. 3.238 National Strategy of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship Development. SMEs in <strong>Armenia</strong>, A Statistical Overview. Women’sEntrepreneurship Promotion. 3. http://www.smednc.am/?laid=1&laid=1&com=module&module=static&id=17349

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