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APPENDIX 1Additional Information aboutEntrepreneurship in <strong>Armenia</strong>Table A1.1Summary of Estimates of Women’s Engagement in Entrepreneurship in <strong>Armenia</strong>FindingsOf all active enterprises, women represent about20.7% of business owners (16,200 of 78,000 enterprises).Women represent about 30% of individual entrepreneursand owners of microsized enterprisescombined (about 15,000 of 50,000 enterprises)Women’s micro and small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs) represent about 11% of active microand SMEs.Of all survey respondents who are employed in individualbusinesses (i.e., the business owners), 23% arewomen. Note all individual businesses in the surveywere in the informal sector.Of registered enterprises, 97% of the founders andmanagers are male and 3% are female.Women constitute 20%–25% of business owners,36.2% of the self-employed, and 10.3% of employers.Women own about 700 enterprises as comparedwith 5,700 owned by men (women own 11% of enterprises).Women represent 26% of individual entrepreneurs.About 31.8% of firms have “female participation inownership.”Of all persons who responded to a household surveythat they were employed as “entrepreneurs,” 22.2%were women.Less than 15% of entrepreneurs are women.Source and YearRepublican Union of Employers of <strong>Armenia</strong> (2014)ADB. 2012. Report and Recommendation of the Presidentto the Board of Directors: Proposed Policy-BasedLoan, Loan, and Technical Assistance Grant to <strong>Armenia</strong>for the Women’s Entrepreneurship Support Sector DevelopmentProgram. Manila. p. 2. Data from the Smalland Medium Entrepreneurship Development Center.National Statistical Service of the Republic of <strong>Armenia</strong>and ADB. 2011. The Informal Sector and InformalEmployment in <strong>Armenia</strong>. Manila. p. 32. The surveydata are from 2009.National Strategy of Small and Medium EntrepreneurshipDevelopment, Women’s EntrepreneurshipPromotion, p. 4.Government of <strong>Armenia</strong>. 2010. Gender Policy ConceptPaper of the Republic of <strong>Armenia</strong>. Yerevan. p. 11.Small and Medium Entrepreneurship DevelopmentCenter, Republican Union of Employers of <strong>Armenia</strong>,and International Labour Organization. 2009.Women’s Entrepreneurship Development Assessment in<strong>Armenia</strong>. Yerevan. pp. 10, 31.World Bank and International Finance Corporation.2011. Enterprise Surveys Country Note Series: <strong>Armenia</strong>.Washington, DC. p. 3. This cited 2009 data.Ministry of Labor and Social Issues, National Instituteof Labor and Social Research, and National StatisticalService. 2009. Analysis of Results of the SampleSurvey on Fertility Preferences of <strong>Armenia</strong>n Population.Yerevan. p. 23.S. Sabarwal and K. Terrell. 2008. Does Gender Matterfor Firm Performance? Evidence from Eastern Europeand Central Asia. Washington, DC: World Bank. p. 10.83

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