Desmond Tutorial

Desmond Tutorial - DE Shaw Research

Desmond Tutorial - DE Shaw Research

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Analyzing Trajectories Using VMD<br />

Analyzing whole trajectories<br />

This command would write every 10th frame starting from frame 100. Coordinates can<br />

also be written using an atom selection:<br />

sel = atomsel('name CA')<br />

sel.frame = 45<br />

sel.write('mae', 'ca45.mae')<br />

This command would create write a Maestro file containing just the CA atoms whose<br />

coordinates were taken from frame 45.<br />

Analyzing whole trajectories<br />

We can now give a nontrivial trajectory analysis example that illustrates the use of atomsel,<br />

vmdnumpy, and molecule. The script shown in Figure 9.4 runs through all the<br />

frames in a molecule, aligns each frame to the first frame, and computes the aligned<br />

RMSD for each frame and the averaged position of the alpha carbons. To use this script,<br />

itʹs necessary to load the reference structure and any trajectories to be processed into<br />

VMD, using any of the methods outlined in “Loading and Viewing Trajectories” on<br />

page 86.<br />

Once thatʹs done, you can launch the script as described in “The VMD Python Interface”<br />

on page 85.<br />

Figure 9.4 Analysis script example<br />

from atomsel import atomsel<br />

import molecule, vmdnumpy<br />

import numpy<br />

avg = None<br />

# will hold averaged coordinates<br />

all = atomsel()<br />

# all atoms in current frame<br />

ref = atomsel('name CA', frame=0) # reference frame is frame 0<br />

sel = atomsel('name CA') # alpha carbons in current frame<br />

inds = sel.get('index') # indexes of alpha carbons don't change<br />

mass = sel.get('mass') # masses don't change, either<br />

rms = [0.]<br />

# will hold RMSD to reference frame<br />

def processFrame():<br />

global avg<br />

all.move( sel.fit(ref, mass) ) # Align current frame w/ref frame<br />

rms.append( sel.rmsd(ref, mass) ) # Append new RMSD value<br />

# Get positions of CA atoms<br />

pos = vmdnumpy.positions()<br />

ca_pos = pos[inds]<br />

# Accumulate positions into average<br />

if avg is None: avg = ca_pos[:] # make a copy of ca_pos<br />

else: avg += ca_pos # add this frame's contribution<br />

# Loop over frames<br />

n = molecule.numframes(molecule.get_top()<br />

for i in range(1,n ):<br />

molecule.set_frame(molecule.get_top(), i)<br />

processFrame()<br />

September 2008 D. E. Shaw Research 93

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