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Global Investor, 02/2007 Credit Suisse

Global Investor, 02/2007
Credit Suisse


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GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.07 Switching — 50<br />

industry has managed to cut unit costs by over 5% yearly. Thin-film<br />

PVs have the potential to drop PV electricity costs to 6 US-cents/<br />

kWh. But even if thin-film PVs meet their long-term potential, a<br />

quantum leap in cost reduction is indispensable in order to provide<br />

the scale of applications the world will need. This is where nanotechnology<br />

comes into the picture.<br />

Third generation: New nanomaterials<br />

Nanotechnology, or the ability to architect and assemble things at<br />

the atomic level, is on its way to optimizing solar cells both in terms<br />

of increased conversion efficiency and considerably cheaper raw<br />

material. Third-generation PVs include organic solar cells, photoelectrochemical<br />

cells and nanocrystal solar cells that may ultimately<br />

beat down solar electricity prices to below 5 US-cents/kWh. The<br />

Nobel prize-winning invention of conductive polymers has paved<br />

the way to organic solar cells that are made of inexpensive flexible<br />

plastic which can be wrapped around structures or even applied like<br />

paint. Up to now, its degradation upon exposure to ultra violet (UV)<br />

light and relatively low energy efficiency have been a drawback.<br />

However, researchers from New Mexico State University and Wake<br />

Forest University recently achieved a solar energy efficiency level of<br />

5.2%. They believe plastic solar cells with efficiencies beyond 10%<br />

will be a reality for consumers in four to five years. Early promoters<br />

of the technology are BP Solar and Konarka, a private, US-based<br />

start-up company with R & D subsidiaries in Austria and Switzerland,<br />

whose light-activated Power Plastic TM foil was selected as one of<br />

the best products in 2006 by Builder News magazine. Moreover,<br />

researchers from the University of Toronto recently produced the<br />

first PV cell able to harness the infrared portion of the sunlight<br />

spectrum. It is believed that with further advances of this nanoparticle-enhanced<br />

polymer technology, plastic PV cells could achieve<br />

efficiencies up to 30%.<br />

Another promising emerging technology, invented by researchers<br />

at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), is<br />

the photoelectrochemical or dye-sensitized solar cell (DSC), often<br />

referred to as “artificial photosynthesis.” Here, the incident light transforms<br />

the dye molecules by exciting their electrons, which are then<br />

absorbed by a titanium dioxide (TiO2) layer to become an electric<br />

current, somewhat similar to the photosynthesis process in plants<br />

(Figure 4). The concept has been out there for quite some time; however,<br />

it did not work well until researchers used TiO2 crystals 30 nanometers<br />

in diameter, which greatly increased the sponge-like contact<br />

area with the dye, enhancing the efficiency of electron absorption.<br />

DSC technology has high market potential owing to the cheap raw<br />

material. The Australian Dyesol, a start-up with close ties to EPFL,<br />

is a leading developer and manufacturer of dye-sensitized PV cells.<br />

Figure 3<br />

PV industry sales estimates<br />

The projected annual growth rates used in the forecast continuously ease<br />

off, from 35% in 2005 to 11% in 2025. System costs per watt are assumed<br />

to fall from USD 8 to USD 2.50 in 2025. Source: Credit Suisse and EPIA/Greenpeace<br />

In billion USD<br />

200<br />

180<br />

160<br />

140<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

2005 2009 2013 2017 2021 2025<br />

Light-absorbing nanocrystals and quantum dots<br />

Another strategy for capturing sunlight energy is to use nanocrystal<br />

solar cells. Silicon nanoparticles of diameters ranging from 1 to 4<br />

nanometers sprayed onto a silicon substrate absorb UV light and<br />

convert it into electrical current. With appropriate connections, this<br />

ultrathin film of silicon then acts as a PV cell. The concept is being<br />

developed by the US start-up Octillion, while a number of research<br />

laboratories are working on similar inorganic cells, including Lawrence<br />

Berkeley National Laboratory. With this ultrathin, inexpensive<br />

technology, glass windows could generate electricity from sunlight,<br />

without losing significant transparency, and rooftops or facades<br />

could be laminated, with virtually no impact on appearance.

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