Dear valued readers, On your hands is the first issue of the New Year 2018. We hope the New Year will bring you health, prosperity and happiness. After the New Year comes Valentine's Day, a special occasion for all of us no matter where we are to celebrate the magical gift of love and happiness. For the first time in 80 years, the world's leading manufacturer of high quality chocolate and cocoa products from Switzerland launches the fourth type in chocolate – "Ruby". The sensational chocolate is creating a hype among chocolate lovers who desperately want to taste it. Our romantic journey continues with Dalat, the city of love and flowers. No matter how many times you visit the town, you will feel like the very first time for Dalat always offers something new for you to explore, taste and experience. The thrilling story of Bolivia's treasure hunt during the Inca Empire will give you a fascinating destination in central south America to explore this New Year. For Valentine’s, a romantic trip to Bali will allow couples to enjoy breathtaking sunsets and spectacular landscapes at the "paradise island" of Indonesia. You can choose among 5 ideal destination for couples this Valentine's Day that we here at Travellive have picked out for you. We wish you and your family a happy and exciting trip for the New Year. We will see you in the special spring issue of 2018 which will be released early February. EDITORIAL BOARD

Dear valued readers,
On your hands is the first issue of the New Year 2018. We hope the New Year will bring you health, prosperity and happiness. After the New Year comes Valentine's Day, a special occasion for all of us no matter where we are to celebrate the magical gift of love and happiness.
For the first time in 80 years, the world's leading manufacturer of high quality chocolate and cocoa products from Switzerland launches the fourth type in chocolate – "Ruby". The sensational chocolate is creating a hype among chocolate lovers who desperately want to taste it.
Our romantic journey continues with Dalat, the city of love and flowers. No matter how many times you visit the town, you will feel like the very first time for Dalat always offers something new for you to explore, taste and experience. The thrilling story of Bolivia's treasure hunt during the Inca Empire will give you a fascinating destination in central south America to explore this New Year.
For Valentine’s, a romantic trip to Bali will allow couples to enjoy breathtaking sunsets and spectacular landscapes at the "paradise island" of Indonesia. You can choose among 5 ideal destination for couples this Valentine's Day that we here at Travellive have picked out for you.
We wish you and your family a happy and exciting trip for the New Year. We will see you in the special spring issue of 2018 which will be released early February.



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travel Bµi vµ ∂nh: L˝ Thµnh C¨<br />

N’u Æ≠Óc h·i n¨i nµo t´i Æ’n r†t nhi“u l«n mµ v…n vãn nguyn<br />

c∂m xÛc nh≠ mÌi l«n Æ«u th◊ c©u tr∂ lÍi lu´n r†t r‚ rµng: ßµ Lπt!<br />

PhË nÛi ngµn th´ng Æ∑ cho t´i nhi“u c∂m xÛc kh∏c nhau mÁi l«n<br />

ghä Æ’n v◊ nh˜ng m„n mÌi Æ≠Óc ®n, nh˜ng kh´ng gian cµ ph<br />

mÌi lπ vµ nh˜ng chËn dıng ch©n ch≠a bao giÍ nhµm cÚ.<br />

C„ g◊ Æ„ an yn Î ßµ Lπt c¯ v…y g‰i<br />

nh˜ng t©m hÂn ÆÂng Æi÷u cÔng nhau<br />

Æi ln phË nÛi. MÁi l«n Æi, bæt chuy’n<br />

xe tı Sµi Gfln Æ’n ßµ Lπt vµo Æm<br />

muÈn, tÌi ßµ Lπt vµo s∏ng sÌm. T´i<br />

rong ch¨i trn nh˜ng con phË v…n<br />

cfln say ngÒ, ÆÓi chÍ qu∏n b∏nh c®n<br />

14 T®ng Bπt HÊ hay qu∏n b∏nh m◊ x›u<br />

mπi 47 Hoµng Di÷u th¯c gi†c, rÂi sœ<br />

lµm mÈt chÛt Æ ®n cho n„ng ng≠Íi.<br />

Sau Æ„ theo th„i quen, sœ leo ln xe,<br />

Æi ra xa xa vÔng ngoπi ´ ßµ Lπt vµ<br />

kh∏m ph∏ m‰i th¯ xung quanh.<br />

T´i Æ∑ ln ßµ Lπt bao nhiu l«n rÂi<br />

nhÿ? Kh´ng Æ’m xu” n˜a. Nh≠ng<br />

nhÌ nh†t l«n Æ«u tin Æ∆t ch©n Æ’n<br />

Æ©y vµo n®m 2008, thÍi mÌi vµo yu.<br />

Ch›n n®m tr´i qua, mÁi n®m t´i ln<br />

ßµ Lπt kh´ng d≠Ìi ba l«n. T´i Æ∑ Æi<br />

qua nh˜ng mÔa yu k˙ lπ Î ßµ Lπt.<br />

Ng≠Íi Æi cÔng, chung tay c„ th” kh∏c<br />

nhau, Æfia Æi”m ghä Æ’n cÚng kh∏c<br />

nhau, nn c„ lœ kh´ng mÔa nµo c„ d≠<br />

vfi giËng mÔa nµo. Ln ßµ Lπt Æ” yu<br />

nh≠ l«n Æ«u tin Æ≠Óc yu, v◊ h¨i lπnh<br />

n¨i nµy khi’n tr∏i tim thm thÊn th¯c<br />

t◊m bÍ m´i †m n„ng. ß’n ßµ Lπt<br />

kh´ng chÿ dıng lπi Î phË nÛi, mµ Æ≠a<br />

ng≠Íi th≠¨ng t◊m chÁ trËn kh·i Æ∏m<br />

Æ´ng Ân ∑.<br />

Th’ nn, Æıng tÌi ßµ Lπt chÿ Æ”<br />

quanh qu»n trong thµnh phË. V◊<br />

chÿ c«n chfiu Æi ra xa mÈt chÛt, ln<br />

xe m∏y Æ„n c∏i gi„ lπnh cÒa cao<br />

nguyn, sœ th†y Æ≠Óc nhi“u vŒ Æãp<br />

kh´ng t≠Îng mµ n¨i nµy cfln c„ th”<br />

mang lπi.<br />

L£N ßÄ LÑT ßÕ Y£U NH L¡N ß¡U TI£N ßúC Y£U.<br />


ßëA ßIÕM GH– ß⁄N CüNG KHÉC NHAU, N£N Cï Lâ<br />

KH§NG MùA NÄO Cï D Vë GIˇNG MùA NÄO.<br />

86<br />


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