Dear valued readers, On your hands is the first issue of the New Year 2018. We hope the New Year will bring you health, prosperity and happiness. After the New Year comes Valentine's Day, a special occasion for all of us no matter where we are to celebrate the magical gift of love and happiness. For the first time in 80 years, the world's leading manufacturer of high quality chocolate and cocoa products from Switzerland launches the fourth type in chocolate – "Ruby". The sensational chocolate is creating a hype among chocolate lovers who desperately want to taste it. Our romantic journey continues with Dalat, the city of love and flowers. No matter how many times you visit the town, you will feel like the very first time for Dalat always offers something new for you to explore, taste and experience. The thrilling story of Bolivia's treasure hunt during the Inca Empire will give you a fascinating destination in central south America to explore this New Year. For Valentine’s, a romantic trip to Bali will allow couples to enjoy breathtaking sunsets and spectacular landscapes at the "paradise island" of Indonesia. You can choose among 5 ideal destination for couples this Valentine's Day that we here at Travellive have picked out for you. We wish you and your family a happy and exciting trip for the New Year. We will see you in the special spring issue of 2018 which will be released early February. EDITORIAL BOARD

Dear valued readers,
On your hands is the first issue of the New Year 2018. We hope the New Year will bring you health, prosperity and happiness. After the New Year comes Valentine's Day, a special occasion for all of us no matter where we are to celebrate the magical gift of love and happiness.
For the first time in 80 years, the world's leading manufacturer of high quality chocolate and cocoa products from Switzerland launches the fourth type in chocolate – "Ruby". The sensational chocolate is creating a hype among chocolate lovers who desperately want to taste it.
Our romantic journey continues with Dalat, the city of love and flowers. No matter how many times you visit the town, you will feel like the very first time for Dalat always offers something new for you to explore, taste and experience. The thrilling story of Bolivia's treasure hunt during the Inca Empire will give you a fascinating destination in central south America to explore this New Year.
For Valentine’s, a romantic trip to Bali will allow couples to enjoy breathtaking sunsets and spectacular landscapes at the "paradise island" of Indonesia. You can choose among 5 ideal destination for couples this Valentine's Day that we here at Travellive have picked out for you.
We wish you and your family a happy and exciting trip for the New Year. We will see you in the special spring issue of 2018 which will be released early February.



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ßÂng hoa c»m tÛ c«u<br />

x∑ Xu©n Th‰<br />

Hoa c»m tÛ c«u r†t nÊi ti’ng Î ßµ<br />

Lπt, c„ th” t◊m th†y Î m‰i n¨i, m‰i<br />

mÔa trong thµnh phË. Nh≠ng Æ”<br />

c„ di÷n t›ch h¨n 20ha bπt ngµn<br />

mÈt loµi hoa nh≠ vÀy th◊ qu∂ lµ<br />

hi’m th†y nh≠ Î Xu©n Th‰. Nhi“u<br />

ng≠Íi chÙp h◊nh c≠Ìi cÚng bæt Æ«u<br />

Æ’n Æ©y Æ” c„ nh˜ng bÈ ∂nh lung<br />

linh. Nh≠ng vÌi t´i, c∂m gi∏c Æ≠Óc<br />

th∂ hÂn tr´i theo nh˜ng c∏nh hoa<br />

li ti chÙm lπi thµnh tıng b„ nh≠<br />

th’ thÀt k˙ di÷u. C¯ nh≠ Æang sËng<br />

trong c©u chuy÷n Alice Î X¯ sÎ<br />

Th«n tin, Æi gi˜a nh˜ng Æo∏ hoa<br />

khÊng l trong khi c¨ th” m◊nh bfi<br />

thu bä lπi.<br />

V◊ lµ ÆÂng hoa t≠ nh©n, thu ph›<br />

tham quan ho∆c b∏n hoa tπi chÁ,<br />

nn c∏nh ÆÂng Æ≠Óc b∂o qu∂n tËt<br />

vµ kh´ng c„ r∏c. Tı thµnh phË ßµ<br />

Lπt Æi v“ quËc lÈ 20, Æi t«m 11km<br />

sœ Æ’n ga Trπi M∏t, tı Æ©y Æi thm<br />

500m, nh◊n qua bn tr∏i sœ c„<br />

b∂ng chÿ d…n Æi vµo v≠Ín hoa.<br />

S®n "tuy’t" ßμ Lπt!<br />

"Tuy’t" ßµ Lπt th˘c ch†t lµ lÌp<br />

s≠¨ng sÌm phÒ trn Æ∏m c· Ûa<br />

mµu, vµ d≠Ìi hi÷u ¯ng ∏nh s∏ng<br />

cÒa m∆t trÍi l†p l∏nh ln træng<br />

xo∏ khi nh◊n ng≠Óc s∏ng. H´m<br />

Æ„ chÛng t´i kh∏ may mæn v◊ trÍi<br />

kh´ng gi„, kh´ng m≠a, vµ næng<br />

ln ch›n vµng lÛc 7 giÍ s∏ng khi’n<br />

c∂ c∏nh ÆÂng r˘c træng. C´ bπn chÿ<br />

Tı trung t©m thµnh phË Æi v“ ph›a Thung lÚng Vµng<br />

theo Æ≠Íng X´ Vi’t Ngh÷ T‹nh. Khi th†y vi÷n Khoa h‰c<br />

T©y Nguyn th◊ rœ tr∏i ngay ng∑ ba tr≠Ìc m∆t. ßi vµo<br />

trong thm 4km, tr≠Ìc khi Æ’n Thung lÚng Vµng t«m<br />

3km c„ mÈt Æoπn nh◊n bn ph∂i, c„ lËi mn Æi ln cao.<br />

ßoπn nµy kh∏ nguy hi”m, nhÌ Æi c»n thÀn. ßi vµo 1km<br />

sœ th†y c∏nh ÆÂng nµy.<br />

Æ≠Íng c≠Íi b∂o: "Em d©n Î Æ©y Æi<br />

cÚng 10 chuy’n mÌi c„ mÈt l«n<br />

th†y s≠¨ng træng xo∏ Æãp nh≠ v«y!"<br />

ßi“u tin quy’t khi Æi "s®n tuy’t"<br />

lµ ph∂i dÀy sÌm, ch†p nhÀn hy<br />

sinh gi†c ngÒ Æ” Æ„n s≠¨ng tr≠Ìc<br />

khi tan h’t vµo ÆÈ 8 giÍ s∏ng. Khi<br />

næng ln cao cÚng lµ lÛc c∏nh ÆÂng<br />

tuy’t hoµn toµn bi’n m†t, gi˜ k›n<br />

vŒ Æãp cÒa m◊nh kh·i nh˜ng ng≠Íi<br />

Æ’n muÈn.<br />

ßÂng hoa h≠Ìng d≠¨ng<br />

- huy÷n Lπc D≠¨ng<br />

ßÂng hoa nªm trong khu´n vin<br />

nhµ m∏y s˜a cÒa Dalat Milk.<br />

Khi vµo, bπn chÿ c«n Æ≠a ra ch¯ng<br />

minh th≠ vµ gˆi xe bn ngoµi.<br />

H‰ kh´ng thu ph› tham quan,<br />

nh≠ng t´i c„ mua mÈt hÈp s˜a<br />

thay cho lÍi c∂m ¨n s˘ hi’u kh∏ch<br />

cÒa nhµ m∏y.<br />

Bn trong khu´n vin th˘c s˘<br />

kh´ng Æ´ng vµ "nhi‘u nh≠¨ng"<br />

nh≠ nhi“u bµi b∏o thuÀt lπi. C„<br />

nhi“u thÔng r∏c Æ∆t khæp n¨i vµ<br />

m‰i ng≠Íi di chuy”n tu«n t˘, v◊<br />

dÔ c„ Æ´ng læm Æi ch®ng n˜a, Ɔt<br />

v…n r†t rÈng, kh´ng c„ chuy÷n<br />

chen l†n. C∏ch di chuy”n cÒa<br />

dflng ng≠Íi lµm t´i nhÌ Æ’n lÛc Æi<br />

ch¨i Î Owakudani Î tÿnh Hakone,<br />

NhÀt B∂n. M‰i ng≠Íi Æ’n r†t Æ´ng<br />

nh≠ng m∆c nhin v´ cÔng trÀt t˘.<br />

C„ nh˜ng ng´i nhµ<br />

†m ∏p...<br />

ßµ Lπt lu´n tπo cho t´i c∂m gi∏c<br />

†m ∏p tuy÷t vÍi, khi bπn kh´ng<br />

c«n ph∂i Æi vµo bn trong nh˜ng<br />

resort, kh∏ch sπn hπng sang Æ” Î.<br />

T´i lu´n t◊m v“ nh˜ng n¨i mang<br />

kh´ng kh› "nhµ" nh†t ÆËi vÌi b∂n<br />

th©n vµ ng≠Íi ÆÂng hµnh.<br />

88<br />


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