International Ocean Institute Training Programme

International Ocean Institute Training Programme

International Ocean Institute Training Programme


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UNEP(OCA)/LBA/IG.2/7<br />

Page 38<br />

locations near and far from their source. POPs are typically characterized as having low water<br />

solubility and high fat solubility. Most POPs are anthropogenic in origin. Anthropogenic emissions,<br />

both point and diffuse, are associated with industrial processes, product use and applications, waste<br />

disposal, leaks and spills, and combustion of fuels and waste materials. Once dispersed, clean-up<br />

is rarely possible. Because many POPs are relatively volatile, their remobilization and longdistance<br />

redistribution through atmospheric pathways often complicates the identification of<br />

specific sources.<br />

101. POPs have long environmental half-lives. Accordingly, successive releases over time result<br />

in continued accumulation and the ubiquitous presence of POPs in the global environment.<br />

102. The primary transport routes into the marine and coastal environment include atmospheric<br />

deposition and surface run-off. Regional and global transport is predominately mediated by<br />

atmospheric circulation, but also occurs through sediment transport and oceanic circulation.<br />

Movement may also occur through a successive migration of short-range movements that result<br />

from a sequence of volatilization, deposition, and revolatilization. Due to these transport patterns<br />

and chemical characteristics, there is a growing body of evidence demonstrating the systematic<br />

migration of these substances to cooler latitudes.<br />

103. The objective/proposed target is:<br />

2. Objective/proposed target<br />

(a) To reduce and/or eliminate emissions and discharges of POPs that threaten to accumulate<br />

to dangerous levels in the marine and coastal environment;<br />

(b) To give immediate attention to finding and introducing preferable substitutes for chemicals<br />

that pose unreasonable and otherwise unmanageable risks to human health and the environment;<br />

(c) To use cleaner production processes, including best available techniques, to reduce and/or<br />

eliminate hazardous by-products associated with production, incineration and combustion (e.g.<br />

dioxins, furans, hexaclorobenzene, poycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs));<br />

(d) To promote best environmental practice for pest control in agriculture and aquaculture.<br />

(a) National actions, policies and measures<br />

3. Activities<br />

104. Actions, policies and measures of States within their national capacities should include:<br />

(a) Development, compilation and maintenance of inventories of point-source releases of<br />

POPs, identification and assessment of diffuse sources and sinks from which POPs may<br />

remobilize, and assessment of inputs from these sources as a basis for pollution control and<br />

prevention measures;

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