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Abstracts 4. Gemeinsamer Jahreskongress der ... - SWISS KNIFE


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swissknife spezial 06 12.06.2006 13:39 Uhr Seite 47<br />

Aspirates wurde mit dem Panzytokeratin-Marker A45-B/B45 gefärbt und in einem automatischen<br />

Bild-Analysesystem auf epitheliale Tumorzellen untersucht. Ein Pathologe verifizierte<br />

positive Befunde visuell.<br />

Results: Die SLN-Identifikation gelang in 82/98 Fällen (84%). Median wurden 3 SLN<br />

(Variations-breite 1-13) gefunden. Bei 16 Patienten (20%) wurden SLN-Makrometastasen diagnostiziert.<br />

Bei 8 Patienten (10%) konnten Mikrometastasen o<strong>der</strong> isolierte Tumorzellen in den<br />

SLN nachgewiesen werden. In 58 Fällen (70%) wurden keine nodalen Tumorinfiltrate beobachtet.<br />

Die KM-Analyse war positiv bei 15 SLN negativen (18%) und 6 SLN positiven Patienten<br />

(7%); die KM-Analyse war negativ bei 43 SLN negativen (53%) und 18 SLN positiven<br />

Patienten (22%). Es bestand keine Korrelation (p = 1,0; Fisher’s exact-Test) zwischen dem<br />

Nachweis von KM- und SLN-Metastasen. Positive KM-Aspirate zeigten im Durchschnitt 7 epitheliale<br />

Tumorzellen pro 50 Millionen Zellen. KM-Mikrometastasen konnten in 5/16 Patienten<br />

(31%) mit SLN-Makrometastasen und 1/8 Patienten (12%) mit SLN-Mikrometastasen o<strong>der</strong><br />

isolierten Tumorzellen nachgewiesen werden (p = 0,6; Fisher’s exact-Test).<br />

Conclusion: Der Nachweis von Mikrometastasen im Knochenmark und von Metastasen in<br />

Sentinel-Lymphknoten korreliert bei Kolonkarzinom-Patienten nicht. Daher sind beide Befunde<br />

als unabhängige Indikatoren einer Tumorzelldissemination des Kolonkarzinoms zu bewerten.<br />

28.02<br />

R. Ipaktchi 1 , B. Egger 2 , G. Beldi 3 , D. Candinas 4<br />

1 DMLL, Klinik und Poliklinik für Viszerale und Transplantationschirurgie, 3010 Bern/CH,<br />

2 Department of Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, Inselspital, University of Bern, 3010<br />

Bern/CH, 3 Clinic of Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, Inselspital Bern, 3010 Bern/CH,<br />

4 Vchk, Inselspital, Bern/CH<br />

GIST-Patienten: Gutes Langzeitüberleben trotz hoher Rezidivrate mittels repetitiver resezieren<strong>der</strong><br />

Chirurgie und Imatinib-Therapie<br />

Objective: Gastrointestinale Stroma Tumore (GIST) machen 1-3 % aller gastrointestinalen<br />

Malignome aus. Die Prognose richtet sich nach <strong>der</strong> Fletcher Klassifikation, bei welcher die<br />

Mitoseaktivität und die Grösse <strong>der</strong> Tumore bedeutend sind. Wichtig ist auch die chirurgische<br />

Resektion im Gesunden ohne „Spilling“. Ziel <strong>der</strong> Studie: Analyse <strong>der</strong> Behandlungsergebnisse<br />

unseres Krankengutes mit GIST.<br />

Methods: Zwischen 1995 und 2005 wurden bei uns 41 Patienten (23 Männer, 18 Frauen,<br />

Durch-schnittsalter: 67 Jahre) mit GIST bei behandelt. Dabei konnten retrospektiv bei 31<br />

Patienten die Symptome, Operation, Tumorlokalisation, Klassifikation nach Fletcher und<br />

Rezidive erfasst werden.<br />

Results: Symptome: GI-Blutung 27%, Schmerzen 20%, Gewichtsverlust 13%, Dysphagie 7%,<br />

pal-pabler Tumor 6%, keine Symptome 27%. Lokalisation: Magen 52%, Dünndarm 25%, Ösophagus<br />

13%, Kolon/Rectum 3%, retroperitoneal 7%. Ferner zeigte sich bei 23% ein synchroner<br />

maligner Zweit-Tumor. Chirurgisches Vorgehen: laparoskopisch 10%, offen 90%.<br />

Resektion: R0-Resektion in 71%, R1-Resektion in 13%, Enukleation in 16%. Perioperative<br />

Mortalität: 0%. Fletcher Klassifikation: Grad I: 35%, Grad II: 29%, Grad III: 13%, und Grad IV:<br />

22%. Nach einer medianen Beobachtungszeit von 47 (4-119) Monaten zeigten 26% <strong>der</strong><br />

Patienten nach durchschnittlich 32 (13-66) Monaten Rezidive: 57% bei Grad IV- (38 Mo) 25%<br />

bei Grad III- (35 Mo.), 11% bei Grad II (13 Mo) und 18% bei Grad I-Tumoren (29 Mo). 3<br />

Patienten sind verstorben, wobei nur einer am Tumorleiden. 6 Patienten wurden im Verlauf mit<br />

Imatinib (4 bei Rezidiv, 2 ohne Rezidiv) behandelt und bei 6 Patienten wurden z.T. multiple<br />

Resektion durchgeführt (-8x).<br />

Conclusion: GIST sind maligne Tumor mit hohen Rezidvraten. Auch bei „low-risk“ -Tumoren<br />

(Grad I n. Fletcher) findet sich immer noch ein Rezidivrate von fast 20% („high risk“: 57%).<br />

Allerdings kann mit onkologischer Chirurgie (z.T. multipel) und dem Einsatz von Imatinib<br />

(Glivec), unabhängig vom initialen Tumorstadium und dem Auftreten von Rezidiven, ein gutes<br />

Langzeitüberleben erreicht werden. Mit Ausnahme eines Patienten (Grad IV mit<br />

Peritonealkarzinose; 17 Monate Überleben) und einer an<strong>der</strong>en (Sepsis nach Narbenhernienrepair)<br />

sind alle Patienten mit Rezidiven nach durchschnittlicher Verlaufszeit von 87 Monaten<br />

(49 –119 Mo) am Leben.<br />

28.03<br />

D. Perez 1 , N. Demartines 1 , D. Jaeger 2 , P. Clavien 3<br />

1 Dept. of Visceral and Transplant Surgery, University Hospital of Zurich, 8091 Zurich/CH, 2 Nat.<br />

Center for Tumor Diseases, University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg/DE, 3 Swiss Hpb Center,<br />

Dept. Visceral and Transplant Surgery, University Hospital of Zurich, 8091 Zurich/CH<br />

Prognostic value of protein S100 expression in gastrointestinal stromal tumor<br />

Objective: To assess the prognostic value of protein S100 expression in Gastrointestinal<br />

Stromal Tumor (GIST) in patients un<strong>der</strong>going a curative resection. GIST tumors display a high<br />

variability in their malignant behaviour. The only established predictors of poor outcome are<br />

the mitotic rate and the size of the tumor. Protein S100 expression is found predominantly in<br />

neurogenic tissue and is an established tumor marker for melanoma. S100 expression in<br />

GIST varies between 5% and 76%, but its prognostic value has not been described yet. We<br />

hypothesize that S100 expression may predict outcome in patients un<strong>der</strong>going a curative<br />

resection.<br />

Methods: Clinical and histopathological slides of 35 GIST patients after curative resection in<br />

our institution between 1995 and 2004 were reviewed. The following data were analyzed for<br />

their putative value in predicting outcome: age, gen<strong>der</strong>, primary tumor site, size, mitotic rate,<br />

positive immunostaining (S100, desmin, alpha smooth muscle actin (aSMA), CD117 and<br />

CD34). Tumors were designated positive for immunostaining when more than 10% of the<br />

tumor cells showed a positive reaction. Primary endpoints in this study were survival and<br />

recurrence after complete resection.<br />

Results: Among the 35 patients, there were 18 men and 17 women with a median age of 48<br />

years. The median follow-up was 52.2 months (1-235 months). At the time of analysis 29<br />

patients (82.9%) were alive and 6 (17.1%) had died from GIST. Immunostaining was positive<br />

for S100 in 33% of the patients, for CD117 in 71%, for CD34 in 54%, for aSMA in 22% and for<br />

Desmin in 9%. The multivariate analysis identified positive immunoreactivity for S100 to be the<br />

sole significant marker of poor prognosis (p=0.0058). All other tested markers did not correlate<br />

with prognosis. Consistent with previous report, tumor size was also identified as a significant<br />

prognostic factor (p=0.034). A trend for poor prognosis was also documented in<br />

patients with a high mitotic activity (p=0.06). Age, gen<strong>der</strong> and primary tumor site failed to indicate<br />

a poor outcome.<br />

Conclusion: The present series suggests that the expression of S100 is an excellent novel predictor<br />

of poor prognosis after curative resection of GIST. Taken together with the size of the<br />

tumor and the mitotic rates, S100 may become an important additional marker to grade the<br />

malignant potential of GIST.<br />

28.04<br />

O.J. Wagner 1 , C. Von <strong>der</strong> Brelie 1 , S.W. Schmid 2 , D. Candinas 3 , C.A. Seiler 4<br />

1 Dpt. of Viszeral and Transplantation Surgery, Inselspital, University of Bern, 3010 Bern/CH,<br />

2 Visceral and Tranplantation Surgery, University Hospital of Bern/Inselspital, 3010 Bern/CH,<br />

3 Vchk, Inselspital, Bern/CH, 4 Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, University Hospital of Bern,<br />

3010 Bern/CH<br />

Lymphadenectomy (modified neck dissection) and its morbidity in well differentiated thyroid<br />

cancer: is it justified?<br />

Objective: Due to the natural history and the slow clinical evolution of well-differentiated thyroid<br />

cancer (DTC) the influence of lymphadenectomy (LA) on late mortality is not yet clarified.<br />

According to the generally accepted treatment strategies for oncologic diseases, radical<br />

resection with (neo-) adjuvant treatment is a therapeutic standard. According to this we perform<br />

in DTC total thyroidectomy (TR) combined with initial LA of the cervico-central and ipsilateral<br />

cervico-lateral compartment (modified neck dissection, MND). The short term aim of this<br />

study is to evaluate the negative effects (additional morbidity) of this extended approach and<br />

wether this procedure is recommendable in all cases with DTC.<br />

Methods: Between 1995 and 2005, 181 patients (140 female/ 41 male), mean age of 52±18<br />

years with DTC (137 papillary thyroid carcinoma/ PTC, 44 follicular thyroid carcinoma/ FTC)<br />

un<strong>der</strong>went surgery. Extent of the surgery was based on histological diagnosis provided either<br />

by intraoperative frozen section or rapid definitive histology within max. 36 hours. All patients<br />

with intraoperatively diagnosed malignoma un<strong>der</strong>went TR and MND (Group A, n=73).<br />

Patients with unclear intraoperative diagnosis (n=108), but malignancy in early definite workup<br />

(max 36h) un<strong>der</strong>went completion thyreoidectomy (if not primarily performed, n=38) with<br />

(Group B, n=51) or without MND (Group C, n=57) within 3,9±1,8 days. Excluded of this procedure<br />

were patients with significant co-morbidity. Morbidity of all patients was collected prospectively<br />

but evaluated retrospectively. Tumor stage: pT1, n=61; pT2, 62; pT3, 29; pT4; 29.<br />

Results: Sensitivity of intraoperative histological diagnosis was 43,2%. Specific morbidity<br />

included permanent recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy (A=3.9%, B=3,4%, C=1,1%) and permanent<br />

hypocalcaemia (A= 1,4%, B=0,9%, C=1,1%) as main criterias. General complications as<br />

lymphatic fistula and secondary hemorrhage were seen in 6,8 % of group A, 1,7% group B<br />

and 2,1% group C. (Specific Morbidity was in all groups n.s.)<br />

Conclusion: The „additional” morbidity of MND in combination with initial thyreoidectomy or<br />

early completion surgery seems to be insignificant in patients. We conclude that therefore this<br />

in other fields oncologic correct strategy should be included in primary surgery for all patients<br />

with DTC. The influence of this „correct” oncologic surgical concept on late morbidity will be<br />

further evaluated.<br />

28.05<br />

B. Roche 1 , G. Zufferey 2 , J. Robert-Yap 3<br />

1 Chirurgie, Unité de Procotlogy HUG, 1211 Geneve 14/CH, 2 Chirurgie, Hôpital Zone de Nyon,<br />

Nyon/CH, 3 Chirurgie, hug procotologie, 1211 Geneve 14/CH<br />

Results of 53 surgical decompression of pudendal nerve neuralgia<br />

Objective: Anatomy: The pudendal nerve supplies the principle innervation of the perineum.<br />

The pathway of this nerve runs deeply through the perineum and is subjected to compression<br />

in various zones: between the infra-spinous and the sacro-coccygeal ligaments, between<br />

the sacro-tuberal and the sacro-spinous ligaments, and in Alcock’s canal, at the level of the<br />

obturator internus. This compression can lead to a syndrome of perineal pain.<br />

Methods: Symptoms: The signs and symptoms of this syndrome are typical of a classical<br />

nerve compression syndrome. However, due to its atypical location and presentation, perineal<br />

pain due to pudendal nerve compression, presents a diagnostic challenge. The pain of<br />

pudendal nerve compression is often described as burning in the perineum, occurring consistently<br />

in the same region, unilaterally, and increasing in sitting position. These symptoms<br />

should evoke the thought of pudendal nerve compression.<br />

Results: Diagnosis and Treatment: The diagnosis relies heavily on a good history and clinical<br />

examination. Electrophysiological tests and diagnostic imaging are useful to exclude other<br />

pathology. From January 2000 to February 2004 diagnostic infiltration was performed in 112<br />

patients in our institution. The pain diminished in 97 cases. Infiltration alone was therapeutic<br />

in 27 patients (2<strong>4.</strong>1%). In 35 out of 53 patients (66.1%), symptom relief was achieved one<br />

year after posterior transgluteal decompression surgery. 18 patients had no amelioration of<br />

the pain. Degradation of the symptoms was not noted after treatment.<br />

Conclusion: Conclusion: Pudendal nerve compression is not a rare condition. Diagnosis is<br />

based on the history and physical and confirmed with infiltration. The infiltration alone can<br />

treat the pain in 24% of the cases. Decompression surgery may be proposed when the pain<br />

is recurs. The post operative success rate is 66.1% in our series. The effect is not immediate,<br />

possibly taking up to one year for maximal benefit, and the patients should be informed of this<br />

prior to the procedure. A multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of this chronic pain syndrome<br />

is mandatory.<br />

28.06<br />

J.M. Heinicke 1 , D. Candinas 2 , B. Egger 2<br />

1 Vchk, Inselspital, 3010 Bern/CH, 2 Vchk, Inselspital, Bern/CH<br />

Distal malabsorptive Roux-en-Y gastric bypass with minimal restrictive component for the<br />

treatment of super- and mega-obesity: pilot study results<br />

Objective: Gastric bypass procedures are mainly based on restriction and may be combined<br />

to different degrees of malabsorption. They are associated with specific long-term consequences<br />

on quality of life and longterm maintenance of weight loss. We present early results<br />

using a distal, essentially malabsorptive Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (mRYGB) with only minimal<br />

restrictive component for patients with a BMI >50 and >60 kg/m2.<br />

Methods: Unlike the classical Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, we avoided the implied restrictive<br />

measures by forming a gastric pouch of at least 60 ml. The whole small intestine was measured,<br />

a biliopancreatic limb of 100 cm and a common channel of 110 – 150 cm depending<br />

on the actual BMI of the patient were created. The rest of the small bowel was used as alimentary<br />

limb. 15 consecutive open and 8 consecutive laparoscopic procedures were prospectively<br />

analysed.<br />

swiss knife 2006; special edition 47

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