atw 2018-09v3

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<strong>atw</strong> Vol. 63 (<strong>2018</strong>) | Issue 8/9 ı August/September<br />

434<br />


A Stark Warning to Trump on China, Russia<br />

and the ‘Crisis’ Facing US Nuclear Industry<br />

NucNet, David Dalton<br />

The US has the largest number of nuclear plants in the world – 99 in commercial operation at the time of<br />

writing – but its global leadership position is said to be declining as efforts to build a new generation of<br />

reactors have been plagued by problems, and aging plants have been retired or closed in the face of economic,<br />

market, and financial pressures.<br />

A recent report by the Washington-based think-tank the<br />

Atlantic Council issued a stark warning, arguing that the<br />

US nuclear energy industry is facing a crisis that the Trump<br />

administration must immediately address as a core part of<br />

its “all of the above” energy strategy that is intended to<br />

herald an era of American energy dominance, with tens of<br />

billions of dollars to be spent on drilling and construction<br />

of pipelines, processing plants and liquefied natural gas<br />

export terminals. The administration might be bullish on<br />

energy policy, but the nuclear industry is worried.<br />

Six US nuclear plants have been shut down permanently<br />

since 2013 and 12 more are slated to retire over the<br />

next seven years. The Washington-based Nuclear Energy<br />

Institute, which represents the nuclear industry in the US,<br />

says the US electricity grid is enduring “unprecedented<br />

tumult and challenge” because of the loss of thousands<br />

and thousands of megawatts of carbon-free, fuel-secure<br />

generation that nuclear plants represent. Closing nuclear<br />

plants makes electricity prices go up and is putting<br />

emissions reduction targets hopelessly out of reach, NEI<br />

president and chief executive officer Maria Korsnick said.<br />

The Atlantic Council says the decline of the nuclear<br />

power industry in the US is “an important policy problem”<br />

that is not receiving the attention it deserves. The report<br />

was made public in the same week that Ohio-based utility<br />

FirstEnergy announced plans to permanently shut down<br />

its three nuclear power stations – Davis-Besse, Perry and<br />

Beaver Valley – within the next three years without some<br />

kind of state or federal relief.<br />

The nuclear industry has long argued that electricity<br />

markets should be reformed to recognise the ability of<br />

traditional baseload generation with onsite fuel supplies –<br />

including nuclear power plants – to provide grid resiliency<br />

during extreme events like hurricanes or extreme winter<br />

weather.<br />

To save financially-ailing nuclear plants, state ­legislatures<br />

in Illinois and New York last year approved subsidies to keep<br />

nuclear plants operating after utilities made appeals about<br />

protecting consumers and jobs. But other proposed bailouts<br />

of nuclear plants have stalled in New Jersey, Connecticut,<br />

Massachusetts, Ohio and Pennsylvania. In Minnesota, the<br />

state legislature is considering a bill that would help Xcel<br />

Energy, owner and operator of the Monticello and Prairie<br />

Island nuclear stations, plan for the high costs of maintaining<br />

old nuclear power plants. The proposed legislation would<br />

give utilities earlier notice about how much money they could<br />

recover for costly work, Minnesota Public Radio reported.<br />

The Atlantic Council report says nuclear power should be<br />

elevated in the Trump administration’s national security<br />

strategy because nuclear is an important strategic sector, and<br />

US global leadership and engagement in nuclear power are<br />

“vital to US national security and foreign-policy interests”.<br />

It also argues that nuclear power is an important<br />

­component of a diversified US energy mix, but notes that in<br />

sharp contrast to developments in the US, China and Russia<br />

are pushing to expand their nuclear industries, develop<br />

complete fuel cycles, and build and commercialise new<br />

reactors for both domestic and international markets. The<br />

results of these efforts are striking – nearly two-thirds of the<br />

new reactors under construction worldwide are estimated to<br />

be using designs from China and Russia, countries that have<br />

the advantage of using “state- monopoly and authoritarian<br />

systems” to advance nuclear energy for geopolitical means.<br />

China has the largest nuclear construction programme<br />

in the world by far, with 20 of the 53 total reactors under<br />

construction worldwide. The 13 th Five-Year Plan (2016 to<br />

2020) calls for 58 GW of nuclear capacity online by<br />

2020 to 2021, and an additional 30 GW under construction<br />

at that time.<br />

But what is really worrying the US nuclear industry is<br />

the success of China’s nuclear strategy to establish joint<br />

ventures with Western companies (Toshiba-Westinghouse,<br />

Framatome-Areva, SNC-Lavalin, Energoatom) to build and<br />

evaluate different technologies (AP-1000, EPR, Candu,<br />

VVER-1000), and to incorporate this experience into its<br />

own indigenous designs. Although cost estimates are<br />

­difficult to obtain, China has seemingly been able to build<br />

reactors quicker, and at lower cost, than the US, Europe,<br />

and even South Korea, the report says.<br />

China brings a complete package of design, construction,<br />

labour, technology, and financing, which improves<br />

the economics compared to industries in the West.<br />

Both China and Russia offer attractive financing<br />

packages to fund these projects. China goes into markets<br />

abroad with financing options from its Export-Import<br />

Bank, while Russia uses resources from both the Russian<br />

state budget and the Russia Wealth Fund.<br />

In contrast, says the NEI, the US Export-Import Bank’s<br />

board of directors remains without a quorum and as a<br />

result cannot consider medium- and long-term transactions<br />

exceeding $ 10 m. Typically, commercial nuclear<br />

deals are measured in billions of dollars, not millions:<br />

Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan said that the investment<br />

in the country’s first nuclear power plant, being built by<br />

Russia’s Rosatom, will exceed $ 20 bn.<br />

While China’s relationship with nuclear power is<br />

­relatively new – with its first nuclear plant completed in<br />

1991 – Russia’s long history with nuclear power dates to<br />

1954, when the first reactor was commissioned in Obninsk.<br />

The industry has since grown to 37 reactors in commercial<br />

operation and five under construction. Nuclear generation<br />

reached a record of 196.3 TWh in 2016, accounting<br />

for 17 % of domestic electricity generation, and further<br />

increased to 202.868 TWh and 19.9 % in 2017.<br />

Inside Nuclear with NucNet<br />

A Stark Warning to Trump on China, Russia and the ‘Crisis’ Facing US Nuclear Industry ı NucNet, David Dalton

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