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<strong>atw</strong> Vol. 63 (<strong>2018</strong>) | Issue 8/9 ı August/September<br />
430<br />
Issue 8/9<br />
August/September<br />
437<br />
Akademik Lomonosov:<br />
Preparations for Premiere<br />
in Full Swing<br />
| | The world’s only floating power unit ‘Akademik Lomonosov’ takes the sea. On 28 April <strong>2018</strong>, the floating nuclear power unit (FPU)<br />
‘Akademik Lomonosov’ has left the territory of Baltiyskiy Zavod in St. Petersburg, Russia, where its construction had been carried out<br />
since 2009, and headed to its base in Chukotka.<br />
Editorial<br />
Nuclear Energy: the Dead Live Longer<br />
or the Summer of <strong>2018</strong> 427<br />
Kernenergie: Totgesagte leben länger<br />
oder der Sommer <strong>2018</strong> 428<br />
Abstracts | English 432<br />
Abstracts | German 433<br />
Inside Nuclear with NucNet<br />
A Stark Warning to Trump on China, Russia<br />
and the ‘Crisis’ Facing US Nuclear Industry 434<br />
NucNet, David Dalton<br />
Calendar 436<br />
442<br />
| | Neutron radiographs of U3Si2 pins from ATR.<br />
Energy Policy, Economy and Law<br />
Akademik Lomonosov:<br />
Preparations for Premiere in Full Swing 437<br />
Roman Martinek<br />
440<br />
Spotlight on Nuclear Law<br />
Nuclear Phase-out Last Act?<br />
Are the New Compensation Regulations for<br />
Frustrated Expenses in Accordance<br />
with the Constitution? 440<br />
Atomausstieg letzter Akt?<br />
Sind die neuen Entschädigungs regelungen<br />
für frustrierte Aufwendungen und nicht mehr<br />
verstrombare Elektrizitätsmengen im Atomgesetz<br />
verfassungsgemäß? 440<br />
| | Upper part of a pressurized reactor vessel during maintenance.<br />
Tobias Leidinger<br />