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Contemporary Corpus Linguistics ..... 69<br />

Continuum Companion to Analytic<br />

Philosophy ...............................105<br />

Continuum Companion to Anarchism,<br />

The .......................................117<br />

Continuum Companion to<br />

Epistemology, The ......................106<br />

Continuum Companion to Hegel,<br />

The ........................................106<br />

Continuum Companion to Hobbes,<br />

The ........................................106<br />

Continuum Companion to Islamic<br />

Studies, The .............................149<br />

Continuum Companion to Kant,<br />

The ........................................106<br />

Continuum Companion to<br />

Metaphysics, The .......................105<br />

Continuum Companion to Plato,<br />

The ........................................105<br />

Continuum Companion to<br />

Second Language Acquisition .......... 69<br />

Continuum Companion to<br />

Socrates, The ............................105<br />

Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular<br />

Music of the World Volume 8 .......... 49<br />

Contradictions of Media Power, The .. 43<br />

Conversion in Luke and<br />

Paul: An Exegetical and<br />

Theological Exploration ...............134<br />

Coombes Approach, The ............... 19<br />

cooper, Barry ............................. 24<br />

copeland, Jeffrey........................ 60<br />

corby, James ............................. 71<br />

cordingley, Anthony ..................... 64<br />

Corpus Applications in Applied<br />

Linguistics ................................. 67<br />

corse, Edward ............................ 58<br />

cowan, Paula ............................. 22<br />

cowdell, Scott...........................103<br />

cowley, christopher ....................101<br />

cowley, Sue ............................... 13<br />

Creative Educational Leadership ...... 19<br />

Creative Enterprise ...................... 45<br />

Creative Teaching ....................... 16<br />

crimmins, James E......................104<br />

crisp, Oliver D.....................125, 130<br />

Critical Practice .......................... 71<br />

Critical Theory and Contemporary<br />

Europe ....................................114<br />

Critical Theory and Film ................ 40<br />

Critical Theory and the Digital ........ 40<br />

Critical Theory, Legal Theory,<br />

and the Evolution of Contemporary<br />

Society ....................................114<br />

Critical-Creative Writing ............... 70<br />

crnkovic, gordana P. .................... 83<br />

crouch, c.L. .............................138<br />

crowther, Paul............................ 97<br />

crowthers, Laura M...................... 18<br />

csabi, Szilvia.............................. 66<br />

cuff, Joyce M. ........................... 96<br />

Culinary Capital .......................... 50<br />

cullison, Andrew ........................106<br />

Cultural History of Fashion<br />

in the 20th and 21st Centuries, A ..... 33<br />

Cultural History of Gardens, A ........ 60<br />

Cultural History of Jewish Dress, A ... 33<br />

Cultural History of Women, A ......... 60<br />

Cultural Science .......................... 47<br />

cummings, vicki ...........................3<br />

currie, P.M. ..............................116<br />

cutas, Daniela ...........................120<br />

Cybertext Poetics ........................ 45<br />

D<br />

Dacey, Austin ............................145<br />

Dahlke, Benjamin .......................129<br />

Dahlstrom, Daniel O. .................... 89<br />

Dainton, Barry ...........................105<br />

Daly, chris................................. 88<br />

Danaher, Patrick.......................... 31<br />

Dante and the Sense of<br />

Transgression ............................. 72<br />

Daoism and Anarchism .................112<br />

Darcus Howe .............................115<br />

Dark Age Economics .......................3<br />

Darker Shade of Peace, A ..............109<br />

Daudelin, Jean ..........................109<br />

David Foster Wallace’s Infinite<br />

Jest, Second Edition ..................... 73<br />

Davidson, chad........................... 62<br />

Davidson, Scott........................... 86<br />

Davies, catherine A...................... 82<br />

Davies, Douglas..........................146<br />

Davies, Matt .............................. 66<br />

Davies, Mervyn ..........................130<br />

Davis, Mark...............................120<br />

Davis, Nick ................................ 85<br />

Davis, robert A. .......................... 29<br />

Davison, Scott A. ......................... 95<br />

Dawson varughese, Emma .............. 77<br />

D’costa, gavin ..........................130<br />

De Boever, Arne .......................... 79<br />

de Bourcier, Simon....................... 80<br />

de Freitas, Sara .......................... 24<br />

de Laurentiis, Allegra ..................106<br />

De waal Malefyt, Timothy ................1<br />

de witte, Pieter .........................127<br />

Deans, Jan ................................ 13<br />

Death and Life of the Music<br />

Industry in the Digital Age, The ....... 49<br />

Decisive Meals ...........................134<br />

Decker, Kendall........................... 69<br />

Deconstruction without Derrida ......100<br />

Defeating Hitler.......................... 51<br />

del Arco, Miguel ángel .................. 54<br />

Deleuze and Art .......................... 98<br />

Deleuze and Film ........................ 97<br />

Deleuze and Guattari’s ‘What<br />

is Philosophy?’ ............................ 91<br />

Deleuze and the Diagram ............... 99<br />

Deleuze and Theology ..................124<br />

Dell, Katharine ..........................140<br />

DeLong, Marilyn .......................... 10<br />

Demetis, Dionysios....................... 97<br />

Democracy in the Christian Church ..127<br />

Democratic Transformations ........... 25<br />

DeNicola, Daniel r. ...................... 26<br />

Depraetere, Ilse.......................... 62<br />

Deranty, Jean-Philippe .................. 98<br />

Derrida, Badiou and the Formal<br />

Imperative ................................ 99<br />

Derrida: Ethics Under Erasure ......... 99<br />

Deshpande, Shekhar ..................... 38<br />

Design Portfolios ......................... 11<br />

Detecting Detection ..................... 70<br />

Developing Everyday Coping<br />

Skills in the Early Years ................. 13<br />

Developing Teacher Expertise ......... 20<br />

Development Financing and<br />

Economic Insecurity ....................110<br />

Deviational Syntactic Structures ...... 68<br />

Deville, Adam ...........................131<br />

Dewey, Martin ............................ 64<br />

Diaz, Hernan.............................. 74<br />

Dickens, Journalism, Music............. 80<br />

Dickinson, roger ......................... 46<br />

Dictionary of Early American<br />

Philosophers .............................103<br />

Diefenbach, Katja ......................113<br />

Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1906-1945 .......121<br />

Digital Anthropology ......................1<br />

Digital Broadcasting ..................... 42<br />

Digital Design ...............................9<br />

Digital Drawing for Designers .......... 11<br />

Digital Prohibition ....................... 45<br />

Dillon, John ..............................104<br />

Dimensions of Expertise ................ 30<br />

Direct Speech, Self-presentation<br />

and Communities of Practice .......... 68<br />

Discourse Analysis 2e .................... 61<br />

Discourse of Text Messaging, The ..... 63<br />

Discourse of Twitter and<br />

Social Media .............................. 63<br />

Discourses Surrounding British<br />

Widows of the First World War ........ 56<br />

Discovering the Traditions of Prose<br />

Prayers in Early Jewish Literature ...142<br />

Divine Providence: A History .......... 79<br />

Dixon Hunt, John......................... 60<br />

DIY Style ................................... 34<br />

Doctrine, Dynamic and Difference ...127<br />

Documentary Film Maker’s<br />

Handbook, 2nd Edition, The ........... 37<br />

Documenting Racism .................... 40<br />

Does Religious Education Work? ....... 29<br />

Doing Philosophy, 2nd Edition ......... 87<br />

Domain of the Word, The .............130<br />

Domestic Interiors ....................... 12<br />

Domesticating the Airwaves ........... 59<br />

Donahue, John .............................6<br />

Donner, Jonathan .......................118<br />

Donovan, Josephine ..................... 70<br />

Doukhan, Abi.............................. 99<br />

Downey, georgina........................ 12<br />

Drawing Borders ......................... 46<br />

Drugan, Joanna........................... 65<br />

Dudley, Marianna......................... 56<br />

Duffett, Mark ............................. 43<br />

Dufresne, Todd ..........................112<br />

Duncan, Sam.............................. 30<br />

Dungeons, Dragons, and Digital<br />

Denizens ................................... 44<br />

Dunning, Eric ............................118<br />

E<br />

Eaglestone, robert ...................... 73<br />

Early Childhood Studies ................ 22<br />

Early Modern Writing and the<br />

Privatisation of Experience ............ 85<br />

Economides, Michael J. ................107<br />

Economy as Cultural System, The ...112<br />

Eddy, glenys .............................147<br />

Educating the Postmodern Child ...... 30<br />

Education and Internally<br />

Displaced Persons ........................ 27<br />

Education and Minorities ............... 27<br />

Education and Natural Disasters ...... 27<br />

Education Around the World ........... 26<br />

Education in a Post-Metaphysical<br />

World ...................................... 28<br />

Education Policy Unravelled ........... 22<br />

Education, Aid and Aid Agencies ...... 27<br />

Education, Extremism and Terrorism . 22<br />

Education, Work and Identity .......... 24<br />

Educational Practice and Society ..... 30<br />

Edwards, Anthony........................ 21<br />

Edwards, Jeffrey ........................106<br />

Edwards, John............................ 61<br />

Edwards, rosalind.......................120<br />

Effective Leadership for Religious<br />

Schools ..................................... 32<br />

Eglinton, James .........................129<br />

Ehrensperger, Kathy ....................134<br />

Eleanor de Montfort ..................... 52<br />

e-Learning Reader, The ................. 24<br />

Ellens, J. Harold ........................143<br />

Elsaesser, Thomas........................ 39<br />

Embassies in Armed Conflict ..........108<br />

Emerging Powers in a Comparative<br />

Perspective ..............................113<br />

Emmanuel Levinas ....................... 99<br />

Empson, Wilson Knight,<br />

Barber, Kott............................... 84<br />

Encountering Althusser ................113<br />

Encyclopedia of the American<br />

Enlightenment ...........................103<br />

Enemies of the American Way ........115<br />

Engaging Fathers in the Early Years .. 13<br />

England’s Citizenship Education<br />

Experiment ............................... 29<br />

English in Practice ....................... 70<br />

English Renaissance Tragedy in<br />

Context .................................... 75<br />

English, Bonnie ........................... 33<br />

Entwistle, Joanne........................ 36<br />

Environmental History of the<br />

UK Defence Estate, 1945 to the<br />

Present, An ............................... 56<br />

Environmental Networks and Social<br />

Movement Theory.......................116<br />

Environmental Psychology<br />

for Design ................................. 10<br />

Eoyang, Eugene .......................... 77<br />

Epistemology: The Key Thinkers ...... 91<br />

Epstein, Mikhail .......................... 72<br />

Equivocal Subjects ....................... 40<br />

Erler, Lynn................................. 27<br />

Esin, cigdem.............................120<br />

Eskelinen, Markku........................ 45<br />

Essays .....................................128<br />

Estimating Emerson ..................... 73<br />

Ethical in Kierkegaard and<br />

Levinas, The .............................. 99<br />

Ethics ...................................... 88<br />

Ethics and Desire in the Wake<br />

of Postmodernism ....................... 80<br />

Ethics of Reality TV, The ............... 44<br />

Ethics: The Key Thinkers ............... 91<br />

Ethnicity, Nationalism and the<br />

European Cold War ..................... 56<br />

Eurafrica .................................119<br />

INDEX<br />

European Cinema and Contemporary<br />

Philosophy ................................ 39<br />

European Muslims, Civility and<br />

Public Life ...............................146<br />

Evans, craig A. ..........................137<br />

Evans, richard..............................7<br />

Everybody’s Jane ......................... 74<br />

Evidence Informed Leadership in<br />

Education ................................. 30<br />

Evil: A Guide for the Perplexed ....... 90<br />

Evolution and Impact of Royal<br />

Air Force Doctrine 1919-1939, The ... 57<br />

Excursions with Kierkegaard .......... 95<br />

Expedition to Quebec, The ............. 57<br />

Exploding The Creativity Myth ........ 61<br />

Exploring the Yogasūtra ...............146<br />

Extreme Right Wing Political<br />

Violence and Terrorism ................116<br />

Ezra Pound’s Adams Cantos ............ 82<br />

F<br />

Faithful Reading ........................130<br />

Fajans, Jane .............................. 50<br />

False Promise of Global Learning,<br />

The ......................................... 28<br />

Far From Minimal .......................139<br />

Farris, Sara r. ...........................113<br />

Fashion and Cultural Studies .......... 33<br />

Fashion and Orientalism ................ 33<br />

Fashion Sketchbook ...................... 35<br />

Fashion: The Industry and<br />

Its Careers ................................ 35<br />

Fashioning Japanese Subcultures ..... 33<br />

Fashioning Models ....................... 36<br />

Fear, Andrew................................8<br />

Federalist Papers, The .................112<br />

Feminine Genius of Catholic<br />

Theology, The ...........................126<br />

Feminist Theory, Fourth Edition ...... 70<br />

Ferber, Kevin S. .......................... 32<br />

Ferdinand, Peter ........................108<br />

Fernández ubiño, José....................8<br />

Fernie, Ewan.............................. 72<br />

Fetish Style ............................... 33<br />

Field, Paul................................115<br />

Financing Human Development in<br />

Africa, Asia and the Middle East .....111<br />

Finn, Stephen J........................... 87<br />

Finney, John .............................. 20<br />

Fioramonti, Lorenzo....................117<br />

First English Revolution, The .......... 53<br />

Fischer, Andreas ............................8<br />

Fleming, Anthony K. ....................110<br />

Fleming, chris ...........................103<br />

Focusing Biblical Studies: The<br />

Crucial Nature of the Persian and<br />

Hellenistic Periods ......................139<br />

Food and Drink in Antiquity ..............6<br />

Foreign in International Crime<br />

Writing, The ............................. 81<br />

Forgotten Blitzes ........................ 54<br />

Forrester, gillian ......................... 22<br />

Forsberg, Niklas .........................103<br />

Forst, rainer.............................117<br />

Foundations of Interior Design ........ 11<br />

Foundations of Mathematics ........... 13<br />

Francis, Becky ............................ 21<br />

Francis, Leslie J. ........................126<br />

Franke, william .......................... 72<br />

Fraser, gregory ........................... 62<br />

Fratricide in Battle ...................... 57<br />

Free Churches and Society ............126<br />

Free Will, 2nd Edition ................... 95<br />

Freedman, Des ........................... 43<br />

Freedman, Sir Lawrence ...............109<br />

Frege: A Guide for the Perplexed ..... 90<br />

From Kafka to Sebald ................... 76<br />

From Language to Creative Writing .. 85<br />

From Ricoeur to Action ................. 99<br />

From Technicians to Teachers .......... 32<br />

Fry, Tony.....................................9<br />

Frydenburg, Erica ........................ 13<br />

Fuller, Steve .............................. 43<br />

Fullmer, Donna Lynne ................... 10<br />

Fultz, Lucille P............................ 73<br />

Funkhouser, c.T. ......................... 45<br />

Future of Blasphemy, The .............145<br />

G<br />

gallagher, Tony ........................... 29<br />

INDEX<br />


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