1952 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute - 1952 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute - 1952 Magnet Yearbook


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Ad rian wiley-c-Bv his own admission<br />

t he best player in J arvia?"<br />

Ron Rogers-A very smoot h player<br />

who i:-; easy to watch. We hope his<br />

ankle is all right again.<br />

T revor Eyton - A hard-battling.<br />

cen t re who played steadil y all season.<br />

Geza Tobias-He is new to J a rvis,<br />

but we soon ca me to kn ow him as he<br />

proved hi mself to be a verv good<br />

player<br />

Stan Leibel-Wonder why Stan<br />

doesn' t play in the las t two minutes of<br />

each game ? Stan looks as if he will be<br />

a top. notch plaver next year<br />

Ia n Mcl'herson-c-H as a smooth set<br />

shot. With a lit t le more practice th is<br />

gua rd will be a perfecti onist.<br />


This veer's Junior Squad ha d a<br />

comparatively s uccess f ul season as it<br />

won eight out of its ten com petitive<br />

league games. A rou sing team spirit<br />

and good attendan ce at the ga mes<br />

enabled the J un iors to reach the quarter-finals.<br />

F ive points, however. .'\epa<br />

rated t he team f rom t he semi-finals.<br />

when they succumbed to H umber side<br />

in a three-game, total-point ser ies.<br />

In regular season play, the tea m<br />

fi nish ed on top in t he Central Divislon<br />

as it won six out of seven games.<br />

Th eir only loss was to Ha r bord - by<br />

two points. In th e other games. ou r<br />

J un ior team beat Cent ral Comme rce<br />

and Central Tech two games eac h by<br />

over eight points in each game.<br />

The team owes much of it s consistent<br />

s uccess to :\lr .:\lcNair whose<br />

able assistance did as much for th e<br />

tea m as any player<br />


The Inter-form sports have been<br />

very well handled this rear bv Ron<br />

)Iori and :\Ir Hill , and everyone ha s<br />

had a good oppor tunity to enjoy th e<br />

sports in which he was interested.<br />

There has been a lot of keen competiti<br />

on among' cer tai n form s which has<br />

made the whole schedule verv interesting.<br />

In the fall it was might.\· cold<br />

at times, but 2F managed to win the<br />

Lever Sc.'hoo\ rugby \\'ni\ e ~'E. too\\.<br />

the Upper School. There was no interfor<br />

m ice hockey this year owing to the<br />

fact t hat there was no ice in the ya rd<br />

and th e plan of going down to Alexandel'<br />

Park's artificial rink seemed to be<br />

doomed from the start bv the wea ther<br />

AJo! usual, th ere was an Inter- form<br />

baske t ball league with 4C taki ng t he<br />

senior group an d 2B th e j unior Th ese<br />

are t he games :'tI r Wa rren and .Mr<br />

MeNair haunt looking for material.<br />

In the spring of las t year, J arvis<br />

declared a half holid ay for t he purpose<br />

of hold ing the t ra ck meet. It<br />

was a good meet, the feat ure bei ng<br />

t he sen ior open mile which was won<br />

by .Jack Segsworth. Th e 880 was won<br />

by Ron Lofts who, we t hink, should<br />

have won the city sem i-fina ls except<br />

that he developed a st itch du ring the<br />

race. All t he events-high-jump ing,<br />

bro ad-j umping. pole vau lting, an d<br />

shot put-ran off like clock work and<br />

eve rvbodv went home happy even<br />

th ough well cove red with dust fro m<br />

our backvard du st bowl.<br />

Down in the pool last February,<br />

scarcely less tha n a ri ot was in pro ­<br />

gress, what with the beautiful acousties<br />

of th e pool room and t he shouts<br />

01 some fifty boy" . However 3C finallv<br />

wo n t he Upper School Swimming<br />

Championship wh ile 2A topped<br />

the Lower School.<br />

This yea r has featured a Bad minton<br />

tourn a ment and ma ny boys may<br />

be see n battering the little birdie<br />

around after school. but no winn ers<br />

have been declared yet.<br />

Th e floor hockey season is well<br />

under wa .... now, but no champion.<br />

sh ips hav e been decided. T he volley<br />

ball is in progre ss too, but 4D looks<br />

like t he winner to us !<br />

HOCKEY<br />

J a rvls. without eve n one J unior H<br />

pla....er managed to win th ree games<br />

out of nine t his year and finish ed in<br />

seventh place in a te n team league.<br />

Our victories were against Central<br />

Tech 2·1, Norvoc 4-2, and 2·1 up set<br />

vlctorv over Lawrence Pa r k.<br />

Top scorers for th e tea m were<br />

Cosma-c-S goals, Stua rt-2 goals.<br />

Cox, Lead and Young scored one<br />

goal each. Cox was a pill a r on defense<br />

and was also ably assisted by Curry,<br />

Haggard and Hocker<br />

If th e league bans the use of J unior<br />

B players nex t yea r, J ar vis should<br />

be up am ong the leade rs.<br />

'inc A.t'h\etic Coun6\ uas uone a<br />

grand job this year in pro moting in·<br />

te rform spor ts. Congrat ulations ! Th e<br />

st ude nts owe a deep debt of appreclatio<br />

n to :Mr Hill, .:\1 1' Warren, .:\11'<br />

Jfc Nair, .\lr Pi ckering and .:\11' Ha·<br />

gen. for the management of t he ac tl ­<br />

vlt les after school.

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