1952 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute - 1952 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute - 1952 Magnet Yearbook


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112<br />

J oyce Russell-c-a nother who e ot wise a nd<br />

ca m e to J a n· i ~ . Sht' hail" f rom<br />

Bishop St rachan.<br />

A nd)' Zajac- He stood llr ~ t . Extr-a-eurricula<br />

r acrivi t tes include operetta ,<br />

chee rle a din g. ~ Ia.l:: nt' t work, Stude<br />

nt Cou ncil , a nd O.T ,C.<br />

~t a r i l )' n Sp r o u l e-~ Ia r il )' n stood third. a nd<br />

ill quite a badminton pla ye r.<br />

Ron S tft"l e- ha ~ )'l't to be on time tbi" r ear.<br />

in fa ct for (ou r year-s, He<br />

lives on the Isla nd.<br />

, C<br />

Int e re sting- expeeirnen ts are alway" takin!:<br />

place in .II chemiatry lab. I n Room 38 one<br />

of tbe most i ntl'rl'"ti n /(" ye t takes place. for<br />

he re Wl' ha ve th e most unique collection of<br />

student found anp'..he re. T he (01l0\101n.l::<br />

re action s are p roduced with .th , ,\f.. i.. add,<br />

inlt a few re actions of hi... ow n !<br />

f loyd Da v-is, :\Iitch Sherman and E rvi n<br />

C r01l_4C'~ mifitar'y me n.<br />

Bria n Hce ke r-s-Sceial Convenor for the St u­<br />

de nt Council.<br />

Rita Leong- a nd Dia ne :\Ioo t"f!'hou>'l'--ht'l ped<br />

4C become Upper School Ba sket ba ll<br />

Ch a mps !<br />

J oh n Tattle a nd :\likt" :\l itc ht"lI- fhr Junior<br />

8a...ketbal! tee m.<br />

J ean Ftnle vson and :\Iafli:' :\Icfa rla nt"<br />

Badminton Cha mp s,<br />

Hector Wr iltht- whit a t Geo met ry ~ ~ ~<br />

Lynne Philips a nd Grace Kitam ura tea<br />

pa rtie",<br />

Eric Co peland-c-Athlet.ic rep,<br />

Hea ther Barclay- top s in Art. Winner- of<br />

th e \i~trv con test.<br />

Hele n :\litche I-an imp atient A rt Ed itor<br />

Tom Kostotf_ " ho-h um, a nother E nltli"h<br />

pe r-iod "ho t."<br />

Ca meron Reid-c-s peci alty-c-plaid shi rt",<br />

Geor!:e T attle-la dies' ma n,<br />

Blu ha fll In wa rd-quite a 0 rl in "port",<br />

Boh Spence-s-vlron :\Ia n of H ockev'<br />

.lnhn TlIt.tle-athlelkally minded w'it h ~ 11';<br />

III P T<br />

4(; hOyll took t he title of Upper Sc hool<br />

lIa "kt't ha ll Champs ! ~<br />

Pre.e -e-sent.iug h)' '" po pular- demand<br />

A st lrrinK Dra ma of lift' a t ,LC, 1.<br />

- " 40 F ro l k ~ "_<br />

directed h)' ,II I'. .1/ o C'!\"'/"I"(II."!l f'l"<br />

Fumed in t he lto r l(" l' O U ~ ,,('enel')' of l'O (Iue ~tio ns. a nd t hat<br />

is e noUllh:' D l r. :\Iu ir sai d l<br />

" Uon't .l::h"e )"ourllel\"e" air", Do<br />

)'ou think I ca n listen all da )' to<br />

suc h stu tf~ Be q uit"t. or I'll kick<br />

)'ou downsta in !"<br />

Tm: ~1A G l\:ET<br />

E lin Re ima n -" Qu ·e ~t ·ce qu e c'e"t que fa it<br />

ce b r uit ~ "<br />

Dave Yit>ldinl("-ela nKs (')'mhalll in t he J ar·<br />

vi" Ba nd w hile Y itt Pencin e r hUb<br />

the bi /(" brass d r um ,<br />

Xorm wolfish a nd J im Burt 4D '" inseparable<br />

comedi a ns.<br />

F Iorence Ha n"e n- " :\Iusic ha th cha rms !"<br />

Daines Ikke r'" a nd Helje Pon e-f rom po in ts<br />

eest, Welcome to J a n ·is.<br />

Bill Boynton-c-doodler de luxe,<br />

Ha n na h XaKai-Ho..... d" you ge t t hose<br />

m ark~~<br />

S id P osner-a-censored .<br />

Barb E sk o .....-(lur on l)' Kirl in the ope re t t a<br />

this yee r<br />

Bob Curran-mode rn la nlt ua~ ace.<br />

Don Richa rdll_ "P "t ! Wha t ·... the a n wer<br />

to the third que ation ?"<br />

Dor-is Ag u r- What happe ned to all that<br />

lovely lon li:' ha ir Doril' ~<br />

;E<br />

Le t us now ente r the inne r sanet um of<br />

a:. He re rei li:'nin l(" sup reme is n -. L , B.<br />

l ' it:k" ,'i H(l . A lt houe-h th i" is his fiu t )·ear<br />

a t Jan·ill. he he gained the con fide nce of<br />

the student bo dy .....it h his successf ul coachinl/:<br />

of th e J unior Rug-b)' tea m.<br />

Beca use of ou r lima II number. t he clas"<br />

partakes in fe..... inte r- fo r m sports, Wt"<br />

can. however- c redit ourselves wit h t he eontribution<br />

of mem ber s to t ht' Ru,roy, Hockey.<br />

a nd Ba sket ball turns.<br />

xte bet Dun n- " 8 i11 Cox is nothing but a<br />

pest," E nter Bill ; Ex it :\Ia bel.<br />

Xor ma Ga l'ton-hmorance i~ Bliss.<br />

:\Iarg" P itl- S ilen('e ill Golden, A ne wcome r<br />

to Jan'is from Ha nla n's Poin t.<br />

Ro"t'ma rr Qu irk_"Sam. quick . Kh"e me<br />

your Cht' mistrr "<br />

Bill Cox_"He)' Rube. I pia)' Hockey Rugby,<br />

, t'te" etc. :\Iabt"l. w here a rt' rou?"<br />

Atan f) u;on- !l::JO A,:\1. "Gues s I'll get a<br />

new dol' le arn,<br />

n ick H urlbu rt c--H i Gold iloch . ~: \" e r try<br />

T" '1 i!<br />

Steve J a mt's- " Ca lli nK Ur. Klldare ?"<br />

John :\[arshall-thl> P ride of Old Er-in.<br />

Don :\lcA u¥,ht t"ie " ~: lI t. dj-Ink, an d ht'<br />

mer-rv (or tomorro w we d ie "<br />

Gt'Ol·.Io!e We r li ck - p l - o t ~ lC e o f Bud X athan l

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