1952 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute - 1952 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute - 1952 Magnet Yearbook


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26 TUE ~IAGNET<br />

Our<br />

Heritage<br />


We are Ca nadians. We are citizens of a cou nt ry with customs and traditions<br />

all it s own. Our way of life is not a ca rbon copy of Old Countr y<br />

living. nor do we imi ta te every move made by our neighbours to the so uth.<br />

There a re so me who look upon Canad ian s all "colonials", and ot hers who<br />

regard Canadians on ly as potenti al Am erica ns. Those a re th e peo ple who<br />

have come in contact with Canadians indifferent to t hei r heritage.<br />

The lack of know ledge some Canadians show regarding th eir country<br />

and its history for-ms pa rt of t he basis for t hese attit udes . Although we<br />

crit icize man y America n customs and ideas. we mus t recognize that one<br />

th ing they do. and do well is make su re all th ei r sc hool child re n are well<br />

stee ped in American history. Ask any American school child about Patrfck<br />

Hen ry or th e elg nl ng of t he Declaration of Independence and you will<br />

receive a knowledgeable reply, In our schools Amer-ican history receives<br />

alm ost as much emphasis as our own. For example. most Canadians can<br />

give an acco unt of the work of Abraham Lincoln . which ill important. but<br />

how many can give a compara ble account of the acco mplishments of Sir<br />

J ohn A. ) t acdonald, our first Prime ) Iinister? If only man)' othe rwise<br />

intelligent Canadian s would take the troubl e to familia rize themselves<br />

with Ca nadian history. Ca nada would cease to be regarded as extension<br />

of the U,S. A,<br />

T he fogg inesl'l regarding the R.c.),I.P. ill a part icular case of this indifference,<br />

T here a re Canadians. qu it e intelligent, who think of Mount lee<br />

r es plen den t in t hei r dress sca rlet, continually ru sh ing about getti ng thei r<br />

man, As for knowing the mott o, or ot her pertinen t detail s about th e Force,<br />

only a few accom plish suc h a feat. "'1." must exe r t a n effor t to learn t he<br />

facts about ou r ow n nationa l police force, one of th e most famo us in t he<br />

world. fo r we ca nnot ex pect our neighbours to do the job for us.<br />

Some say we are tied to t he ),Ioth er Country's apron st r-ings. That we<br />

remain in th e Bri t ish Commonwealth. that we ha ve a Governor-general<br />

to rep resent t he Crown. and ot her traditio ns se rve as basis for such a<br />

statement. F rom the first agitation fo r se lf governmen t to Con fede ration.<br />

eve ry step was taken peacefully and according to th e law. Th e F athers of<br />

Confede ration deemed it best to stay within the E mpire rather than mak e a<br />

zornplete break, In spi te of accusations of sent imentality t hei r decision has<br />

sh ow n itself wise, Ca nada has profited from the yea r !'! of experience of<br />

t he Rritis h lawmakers, while being able to vote down any Br itish Leg-islation.<br />

concer ning t he Domi nio n. of which it does not approve. This arrangement<br />

convinces even outsiders . not affected by ties of t radition. of its<br />

Ines ti mable worth, Why t hen should we. Ca nadian s, belittle such a priceless<br />

treasure.<br />

We a re Canadian s. Being citizens of Canada entails more than profess.<br />

lng loyalty to the government. If we are to be good citizens, we must<br />

undertake th e responsibility of learning our count ry's background.

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