1952 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute - 1952 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute - 1952 Magnet Yearbook


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J AR\'IS COLLEGIAn: 6 1<br />



F RAr-;CES FREE!oIAr-;. -IC<br />

After one hour. a broken mirror<br />

a nd a little blood, I saw a man sew<br />

one tiny butt on on a white shirt.<br />

The incident had its origin when<br />

my brother, Arthur, argued that a<br />

man could do anything tha t a woman<br />

could do. Then Fate stepped in-the<br />

third button of my brother's shirt<br />

dramatically popped off.<br />

In a few mome nts Arthur was, wit h<br />

needle and thread, comforta bly seated<br />

in a chai r - or so he th ought.<br />

"O h, # @x !!", he mumbled as the<br />

spool of t hread rolled fr om his lap<br />

and along the floor , unravelling as<br />

it went. Some ten minutes were spe nt<br />

in r-ewinding the thread properly.<br />

" OK ". he exclai med whil e ben ding<br />

over hill cha ir. "where did you put the<br />

'"<br />

needle? " He sat down . He jumped<br />

up. He had found the needle ! Arthur<br />

limped to the washroom. intendin g<br />

to investigate his wound. However<br />

he slammed t he door and a wa ll mlr ­<br />

ror fell. shatt ering in th e bath tub.<br />

Cleaning up the mess took his mind<br />

from certain sanguinary thought s.<br />

After leaving th e was hroom as<br />

orderly as a ma n possibly could, he<br />

ret urned to his post wit h anot her<br />

needle. I supposed by the gleam in<br />

his eyes, many minu tes later, that he<br />

had fi nally sewn on t he button. Strutting<br />

over to the sofa. he shoved the<br />

shirt into my ha nds for a pproval.<br />

" Fine." I tittered. "now take off<br />

t he button an d try sewing it on the<br />

outside of t he shirt:'<br />

'"<br />

CARS<br />

Hl"GH )' I ACL EA ~ ,<br />

3C<br />

Th ere ere a lot 01 different cars.<br />

S om e uld and others lIew .<br />

.-hl d ere ll ('Urts ond huggin.<br />

B ut th ey are ('erN lew.<br />

Theil ("olli es the fil'st saat("hed tender,<br />

l t:s but a tillY dent;<br />

He can't afford to fir it•<br />

He has to pay the rent,<br />

W hel/ lather bllYs a bl'O"d IIf' 1I'<br />

It is his pride fwd joy;<br />

Th f' fil'st IeII' mOll ths he hus it ,<br />

H e t reats it like a toy.<br />

("10'<br />

A.ll d as the Yf'fl " S go 1"01ling by<br />

Th e ("fll'looks f ay sloppy:<br />

H e IISIWUlI retere to it<br />

A s ".\l y fait hl ul oM j ll loPlI".<br />

-<br />

,:T. .<br />

O"'''ING S=T.<br />


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