1952 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute - 1952 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute - 1952 Magnet Yearbook


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GK<br />

) IR. ST URBS<br />

T his vea r. <strong>1952</strong> ha ~ brought seve ra l<br />

change; to Jarvis. One of these is<br />

the promotion of .Mr. E . ) 1. Stubbs to<br />

the headship of the English Departmen<br />

t at Cen t ral Tech nical School.<br />

The pu pils . t he staff and the :'ola gnet<br />

cong rat ulate )Olr. Stubbs on this welldeserved<br />

honour and wis h him success<br />

in his new appointment.<br />

We also congratulate Central Tech.<br />

:\Ir. S t ubbs is a splendid teache r. a<br />

man of high ideals and a leader in his<br />

profession. Th e school of course. r e­<br />

gret s to set" him go . for he has given<br />

much to till here at J arvis. with his<br />

efficient work. his wa r m f riendship<br />

a nd his high standard!' .<br />

)Olr. St ubbs grew up in Caledonia.<br />

wh ere he attended t he public and t he<br />

hig h schools. There he entered the<br />

Unive rsitv of Western Ontari o. and<br />

late r t he'Ontario College of Educat<br />

ion. where he obt ained specialist<br />

standing in E nglish . in French an d<br />

in Ph ysical Education. T hen ca me<br />

postgraduate work in F ran ce. and at<br />

Columbia Unt versitv in Xew York.<br />

Ex tensi ve t ravel in Europe also contri<br />

buted to the preparation fo r hi:'<br />

chosen profession. He first taug ht at<br />

r.riml'by High School and then at<br />

Western Technical School here in<br />

Toronto.<br />

Then came World War II. ) [ 1'.<br />

St ubbs joined th e R.C.A.F. an d. fo r<br />

four vva rs. W3:1 Inst r uct or in inst r-u ­<br />

ment flying in the Link T rainer<br />

hranch where he became a flight.<br />

lieu tenant an d O.C. of various Lin k­<br />

Trai ner flights.<br />

At th e close of the war. :\11'. Stubbs<br />

joined the staff of J arvis Collegiate<br />

in 19-1 5. For seven busy yea rs he<br />

has contri buted much. bot h in th e<br />

class-room and with ext ra-cur ricular<br />

activities. to the work here at J arvis.<br />

For five years. he t rained and conducted<br />

t he orches t ra which adds so<br />

much to th e e njoyment of our assemblies<br />

: furthermore. he conducted<br />

five very successfu l Gilbert and Sulliva<br />

n operettas. He hall ser ved on man y<br />

committees and helped with va rious<br />

proj ects. At nil t imes, he ha s ser-ved<br />

J arvis Collezi ate faithfully.<br />

J ust recent ly. :\1 1'. St ubbs was sent<br />

bv th e Board of Educa tion to Temple<br />

University in Philadelphia 011 a course<br />

for Remedial Reading a nd he has ha d<br />

charge of that work here at Jarvis.<br />

Xo wonder. we are sor ry to hav e him<br />

lea ve. But we art' proud indeed to<br />

watch hi m assume new respons lb ili ­<br />

ties. He will bear them well.<br />

Teaching in a collegiate is a busy<br />

life. Yet :\11'. Stubbs found time to<br />

serve the community too. on committees<br />

of teaching and unlversltv activities.<br />

F urt her more he is Su nda y School<br />

superintendent and also an elder of<br />

Rosedale United Church.<br />

In all this activity and busy life.<br />

he hall been abl y helped by :\Irs.<br />

Stubbs. She. too. has assisted at various<br />

staff activit ies. Xo doubt. his<br />

daughter J anet may come to Jarvis<br />

Colleziate. later on. We are sorry to<br />

see them leave our hapl)Y circle at<br />

J arvi s but rejoice wit h them in his<br />

new honou r. \\'e wish them luck.<br />

success a nd happiness. Don' t fur-get<br />

to come bac k and see liS often!<br />


On F rid ay. Feb ruarv 11'\1. J a r \" iJ'<br />

had its fi rs t pa ren ts' night in many<br />

vea rs.<br />

. For al most two hours. the parents<br />

were able to vi sit t he classrooms an d<br />

mee t t he teachers. All th e va r-ious<br />

subjects were discussed. a;; well a s the<br />

stude nts. Poor tis!<br />

Th en eve ryone assembled in the<br />

auditor-ium to hellI' an interesting<br />

musica l program me. T he first fo rm<br />

music class opened with t heir renditi<br />

on of " :\Ia I'Y Ha d a Little Lamb".<br />

T hey we re followed by the secon d<br />

form ba nd class wh ich placed more<br />

advanced music. Th e third form band<br />

produ ced th e "high note" (If the evening<br />

from their wood wind secti on.<br />

Som e lovely dances were th en<br />

staged in th e original native cost umes.<br />

Th e programme ended with a di s­<br />

play of costumes. by the pupils. from<br />

their native lands. Seven ty per cent<br />

of Jarvis st udents have th eir heritage<br />

from so me co untry ot her than<br />

Canada .<br />

Next. t he pa rents were invited to

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