1952 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute - 1952 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute - 1952 Magnet Yearbook


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·JAK\ ' I:O; C OLLEGIATE<br />

Gil'" 1111 fI 1"'1..·.. f o r 1t.....•.." · 11 ..,,1.....:<br />

.~,,("ifll f.' l·.." tll ,<br />

We ha ve ha d only one ~ Q('i a l event so<br />

fa r t hi . )·..a r a nd it was. a 1'Iei llh ride. All<br />

who a ttende d e nj oye d it ve rv mu c-h.<br />

Gi ,'/'" -""Or/II:<br />

T he 2F. a nd :!F l/: i rl ~ combined to ma ke<br />

t he "Lo wer Sch ool \ 'olle)'ha ll Cham p s," Too<br />

ha d t hat we were fina ll)' de fea ted by fif t h<br />

formers.<br />

[; 1' 11 11' S I" ...III :<br />

B . ~ k e t h. II-l< h- ~ h- n o t so loud. \'olle)"<br />

ha ll -.I ~o un mention able. Well . Ih er", '~ . 1­<br />

wa ys Basket ba ll a nd F loor H ock ey<br />

:\ow :- " /.." h" bil unr..."<br />

.-\I't SIIIUKht!:'r- :Ur. Clarke is a lwlI.\·s j[1\'inj!<br />

him a dvice.<br />

Lorraine Ha rt-s-he re todav; z one tomorrow.<br />

I re ne Tulrn-c--j ust loves t he Un ite d States.<br />

Ed I.vck inK-lea m illl( to dr uw<br />

CIII'VI \'1l :'> l a c P h a i l-S h e ' ~ compleinina about<br />

. t he I sla nd b re a k- water. S he i" also<br />

lea rn ing- to "pea k Ha waiian.<br />

Da n F ern a nd-c-here physicatly, hu t h",'l< a l­<br />

ways t....infZ a sked. "How ma ny m inutes<br />

d id you spe nd on you r homework<br />

la st nil/:ht!"<br />

Juri Kinf{ i"sepp--Kee p up the j(ood wor k !<br />

Sand ra Wa t"on-If a ll t he boys, live d a er oscthe<br />

se a .<br />

Wha t a j{ood swi mmer Saudv would he :<br />

BlisH CHelf- will do a n)·thlnl/: for :'>Iiss<br />

Gr ilfith---e"",n d raw!!!<br />

Ted Bennett-c-another mar iner from the<br />

Island.<br />

T er rie Kita mu ra - " All ril;rht Lo uie. d rop<br />

th at eun : "<br />

He le n Ste inke---a wonderful athlelt' .<br />

:'>I ichael Dignard -c-a wh iz . t C.nasta.<br />

Georee Ccx-c-Iollcwine in hi!' b: j{ brothers<br />

footsteps.<br />

J oh n :'>lillh t- a lias " :'>Iijrh t)· :,>Iou"e ,' ·<br />

I' a ul Covea rt-c-vl r. Cla r ke's time-keeper.<br />

:!F<br />

T he se a re )'OU t· :'>l aKlwt reporters Helen<br />

Xa umovieh a nd :'>l u lTa y Shill l'ellOt"tinj!<br />

from s.tation J .C. I. on the act ivities of :.! F<br />

Your sJlonsor : w.o.n.x.<br />

(; ;,./",' SI"" ""' :<br />

II \" ddelit ing :!C ' w e we r-e able to become<br />

Lo":t' ], School volleyball Champs. hut in<br />

t he schoo l ch ampionship g-a me 5' p ro ved to<br />

he t he better te a m.<br />

I ;" JI'" SI "'I"I~:<br />

.-\f te l· a te rj-ific ~ tI"U K Kle wit h 28 ou r<br />

ho)'~ be came Low er School RUll:hy Cham p".<br />

('11' " 11 ( ·ltun/d ..a . :<br />

E b' ie Gustafson-c-wa s on t he \'olh.·)·ha ll<br />

team an d al so in t he opt'retta.<br />

Caroli ne Gr ee n- " What would we do wit h­<br />

out ht'r!" .-\ star vclleybal! player.<br />

:'>Iar)' H e lr~ it'- a<br />

Otta wa.<br />

neweomt'r f rom Glel .....<br />

\'t'ra Papik---o ur :\I i ,, ~ :'>I ajrnet rep.<br />

('oralit' Ra nsom----ou r Girl ,,' Club r t'p.<br />

Pa t Coulton-a little hundlt' of e n e r lt" ~'<br />

J oh n Cou lt on-a brai n (! ) in :\la t b.<br />

Ri t"ha rd Co rbe tt-Grand Inq u isitor of th e<br />

Jl i"tory da"".<br />

Hill G I"t't' n----our S tudt-nt Cou nc il rell.<br />

:\' ick I' e t r ~' k a n -" :'>I u m bl e ~ . "<br />

r r t'd Wood-AI'e ~'ou a wa k.... F rt'd!<br />

Ia n Ca meron_ wa s on t he J un ior RUlrhy<br />

II j<br />

te a m.<br />

Kra ndell. Polny and Cd i t ~k ~'-T he T h ree<br />

:'>1 usket eers.<br />

.-l,..ri,·itin:<br />

I n Octobe r we ha d a wiener- ro ast in the<br />

wilds of Lea s ide. T ha nk" to COI'alit' fol'<br />

our wender f ul pa r t)· a t her ho use .<br />

R f' ma ..J..- II :<br />

:'>I r. ' \'a rre n- " I..ar j{e st da lIa t h.<br />

Da v id Ccwan-c-cur At hle tic rep.<br />

J oh n :'>l c :'>leeken- lLit tle J ohm -c-a lways on<br />

a clou d.<br />

Jaml''' Bt' l

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