1952 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute - 1952 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute - 1952 Magnet Yearbook


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J:ud .: R U II'; :\Ia" Rosen thal. :\l r. Hagan, T revor E ~· I O l1 .<br />

F ...."t H"", : A nd y Za jac. J u ne Hewe s, Br ia n Hoc ker,<br />

In t he :o;pri ng of 1951, a group of<br />

Iour-th , formers. Lorna Dennison.<br />

S heila :'IlcCoy, Rober t Hill, Beve r ley<br />

Finland . J oy Verno n, Harvey Cowan<br />

a nd Aileen Porter decided to take<br />

:-ltCPll to establis h it Student Council<br />

at J urvi«. )1an :o:, man y meetings wer e<br />

held and teac he rs were consul ted.<br />

After th ese st uden ts had obtained<br />

permission to have a St udent Council.<br />

t he constitution had to be wri tten.<br />

Thi s constitu tio n had to meet the approval<br />

of bot h teachers and students.<br />

Finally after more meeti ngs an d consultations.<br />

the ta sk was completed and<br />

Jarvis W8!\ ready fo r its first election.<br />

Candidates were nominated. poste<br />

rs were placed in prominent position<br />

s, ha nd-bills were dis t ri buted. and<br />

speeches were mad e. Then the elections<br />

were held. Trevor Eyton was<br />

elect ed presid ent and Dodie Sperry<br />

vice-presid ent.<br />

At the first meet lnx. Andy Zajac<br />

was elected treasu re r. Hi-ian Hocker<br />

social-convener. )tax Rosent hal publicity<br />

director and June Hewes secreta<br />

ry . Xow we had ou r Student Council.<br />

Rut whe re were we to begin our<br />

work ?<br />

We had our fi rst dance, the " F ree­<br />

For -All". Everyone came. Who will<br />

ever forget Harvey Cowan as the<br />

penniless widow in her t wen ty- room<br />

shack. Svd Sho om as the villain, :\turray<br />

Ber man as the beauti fu l heroine.<br />

t he clock. or Sauerkraut Sam?<br />

As we held more dances. some independently<br />

and some in conj unctio n<br />

with clubs. we contin ued to be successful.<br />

At the " ) Iagnet Roundu p", a<br />

wester-n affair, we chose a ) Ii:-ll'l )[ ag.<br />

net, Kat hy George, and had squa reda<br />

nci ng, Xear Chr ist mas we had the<br />

"J ingle Bell J ump" wit h San ta Cla w"<br />

a Christmas t ree and all the t rimmings..<br />

The Studen t Council in vited<br />

t he basketbal l teams of St. Cathar-

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