1952 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute - 1952 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute - 1952 Magnet Yearbook


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.J A R \' J ~ C OLLEGIATE<br />

heiKht la 5th fo nnl la ter on. Tw o of our<br />

d i ~ t i n jl"u b, h l'd m..mbers. HJo:LJo:~ l'Ol:CHER<br />

a nd ROSE)!ARY \'Jo:R~OX rose to th e<br />

q ua r ter final s in the Bad m inton doubles."<br />

This ,,-tateme nt ,i!' approved ~im~li! a.nt."Ous l)·<br />

bv TO\A ROC KLl F F f. . J O .-\ ~ ~I-, GRAfl<br />

A :'ol a nd K,-\Y RT.:SSELI•.<br />

T he H onora ble member from China<br />

Al.EX U : :'ol is IZlad to find that he is not<br />

t he onl~' one from fa r distances, for t he<br />

Op positIon has I XGR ID I-:~{;L.-\~ D , the<br />

Hono ra ble me mber from Germany<br />

T he S pea ke r acknowleda..s the :'olini!'te r<br />

uf :'olatht'mat ic" KA LI-:\"I P f: HA L.-\ : " I<br />

wb,h to report tha t I beca me so interested<br />

in my cour.... last year that I just ha d to<br />

ta ke it a/(a in a s an extra subject, wit h tha t<br />

clever commone r- :'oI R. W ARRE X<br />

,-\ (ter two H onorable member-s put forwa<br />

rd ujnotion to abolish exa ms, :'01R, Il YCE<br />

ru les un In-half of t he Board of Ed uca tion<br />

/ul d decla re" t ha t t h(' mot ion i" ou t of ord e r,<br />

We view sai d exam" w ith "relish.' Sec<br />

you ne xt yeat- for the results !<br />

:!A<br />

Thi s i" S ta t ion x)'z bMn&,in &, ) ·OU a pia)'<br />

h)' pia)' de script ion of the " Sadit' Ha wkins<br />

Da y" race in S k un k Hollow, Your comm..ntators<br />

will be Ca thy Ol i ~ " :'olal(nt'll<br />

115<br />

Georl(e a nd Da ve ( La nza ) Ha r-vey T h",}'<br />

wll l a ive you a re port on ea ch of the pa rflcipa<br />

nts , who a rt' all membe rs of the ma rvelous<br />

institution. form 2.-\. We turn you ove r to<br />

Cath)' to desc r-ibe "The Da is)' :'olae' t< of 2.-' : '<br />

We ha d t wo teams in the \ 'olll/'y ba ll<br />

tournam ent a nd tAB ma de t he Sl'mi·fi na ls.<br />

On m}' r i&,h t "id., a rt' Beve rley Abbe)' a nd<br />

Ire ne J lckt'm ura (the brain" of 2A 1 Xext<br />

art' Ba r ba ra Kirkha m a nd :'ola rly n Pierce .<br />

Re ad y for t he ~i l!n a l a re<br />

(luck)' no, 71. IA'a Bell (O h<br />

J oa n Robert"<br />

Bob ! t , Patti<br />

P hilip ( O U I' Girl ,,' Cl uh rep. a nd a te r r ific<br />

pe r son ali tyL a nd J une Foster- {lo ve t hat<br />

acc ent)<br />

On t he le ft w'" "ft' Lorna Speare ( a ll t he se<br />

looks a nd II voice too ), Stephanie Sa wchyn<br />

(Steve to u sl, Dot Will ia ms (ful{it ive f rom<br />

:'o!alvern ) , Betty Da vidJ(t' an d Una Logie<br />

( Inse pa rable t wos ome )<br />

Bett y T homa s lind J oa n (;rant whisperto<br />

E vel yn W OO ((OU I' s hy Httle m iss f rom<br />

Va ncou ver 1 Pea rl xtuece r. ctutchine ou r<br />

attenda nce 11Ild, point" out Dore en Gam ble<br />

(better late t han ne\' el' l to J O)'('t' Ca irn".<br />

x cw Da n' re pol''hI on th e a cti vities a nd<br />

persona lit ies of the LiI ' Ah ner" who will be<br />

r un ning for th ei r lin ' !'.<br />

We we re unbeat..n, u ntied and unseored<br />

u pon in R ugby, but we lost by default, Wto<br />

have e a ined the ti tle of I..oWN School S wimmin<br />

I! Cham p".<br />

F i r ~ t we see Sa m {S t reteb r Reed . Te x<br />

Wickha m. Pa ul Ortiz an d Ra lph Re mesc h<br />

[ do Io!erm~ lh around in a \'acuum!l<br />

We would 'Iikt' to bet t ha t Pete r Cosfo r d<br />

(one finjl"er me lodyj, Col in S t ubbs (piano<br />

&,eniu s and jZift to the operettat. Duul! Robinson<br />

(do&, "h ot expert r. a nd :'olike T he m<br />

will a ll be r unnin J,:: their slowest,<br />

JU "1 be fore the)' "tart W l' wonde r :<br />

Wh)' Ste pha nie h a~ su ddenly t aken a<br />

Ii kin ~ for Ba skt't ba ll!<br />

But :'oIl'. Gve r-holt is pulling th e tri&,lZt'I'<br />

a nd " Th ey're OtT~..<br />

2"<br />

/'/uc,,; ,J C. I., Form 2 B.<br />

Tim.': H a.I11, on auy sehoul day<br />

.-ie/ jou : We n-a vel meekly from room to<br />

room to he J,::l.'lIt ly I.'XI)()s..d to ln-illiant l'hll(t "<br />

of knowledge fired in uu r direct ion b)' h0 l''' '<br />

ful Ins tr uctors.<br />

F ir "t :'oil,. Cla rk.. a"k s if there are a ny<br />

a nnouncement s.<br />

Susa n I ria a wa sa)'s, " The S t ud en t Council<br />

will hold a da nce 011 F'riday nigh t. etc,'<br />

E ve rvone : " What's she "a )'in l{ ~ "<br />

Whe n A lf Ch ink al'k" :'oI l'. Clark", about<br />

a )Iath proble m, Don Bell always "ap:<br />

"U h that's stm ple :"<br />

)1 1'. Clarke o

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