1952 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute - 1952 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute - 1952 Magnet Yearbook


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STAff STUff<br />

ST.\ F F IH:\':\' E U 195 1<br />

The gues ts of honour at the ~taff<br />

dinner held in J une 1951 were Slr.<br />

and ~Ir~ . Staples and their t wo<br />

dau ghters. Th e excellent food served<br />

by Prince Art h ur House. the hap py<br />

convers ation. a deligh tf ul piano solo,<br />

all these were enj oyable features of<br />

the occaa ion ; but t he brillian t highlight<br />

was :\Ir. St aples' speech. After<br />

:\Ir. Allin, his former prin cipal, had<br />

paid h im a wa rm tribute and Mr s.<br />

Jenki ns had read some of his own<br />

poet ry to illust rate )OI r. Staples' qualities.<br />

the chief guest thanked his<br />

colleagues for a nest of walnut tables,<br />

an expression of their affectio n and<br />

good-will. Then he began. For half<br />

an hour his wit and eloquence de.<br />

lighted the mi nds and swayed the<br />

emot ions of hi s hearers.<br />

Xaming his thirty-six associat es in<br />

turn. he recounted am us ing inciden t s<br />

in their lives. exposed t he ir obsessions<br />

and revealed their eccentricit ies in<br />

such a dramat ica lly humorous manner<br />

that all were convulsed with<br />

laughter and many enjoyed t hat rare.<br />

enriching experience : laughing with<br />

others at oneself.<br />

Becom ing serio us for a moment. he<br />

pa id tr ibutes to a few, spoke of the<br />

spirit of Jarv is (to wh ich. as eve ry ­<br />

one knows he contribut ed mightil y )<br />

asked not to be forgotten. and then<br />

with a tear in his eye-bless his<br />

heart- he sat dow n.<br />

The dinner was an occasion to remember.<br />

His ha lf-hour was a feat to<br />

remember. He is a man to remember,<br />

)OIr. ST HAC HA:\<br />

~ --~- ~ K_<br />

...<br />

:\Ir. Campbell Strachan was recent­<br />

Iy ap pointed head of t he Ph ysics Depa<br />

rtment at Harbord Collegiate after<br />

eight years in t he Sla th s and Phys ics<br />

Department of J . C. I.<br />

"C am " an old Riverdale boy. attended<br />

\ -arsity and graduated in<br />

Slat hemat ics and Physics as a medalist<br />

in his fourth yea r, follo wed<br />

b )'<br />

College of Education and seven yea rs<br />

at Li ndsay Collegiate.<br />

He is an excellent tea che r. a genial<br />

companion. a competent Swim Tea m<br />

Coach. and will be greatly missed by<br />

both sta ff and school.<br />

Our best wishes follow him in hill<br />

new appointment.<br />

:\Iarch 18-<br />

A ripple of excitement spre ad ove r<br />

the whole school the day t he news<br />

broke : " Miss :\lcKech nie and Mr.<br />

Hazen a re engnzed."<br />

Staff a nd studen ts wish for t hem<br />

all t he best of eve ry good thing'.<br />

T he Editorial sta ff is especially in-<br />

~ debted to Sl r. Hagan and )Oli!!!! ~ I c ~<br />

~ ) Kechnie for their assistance in t he<br />

j " •. publication of t he )Olagnet.<br />

.\ j~~~~<br />

. '/- '. \\.....<br />


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