Dungeon Master's Guide

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including glory, knowledge, and justice.<br />

Many adventurers also seek something more<br />

tangible: fortune. Strands of golden chains,<br />

stacks of platinum coins, bejeweled crowns,<br />

enameled scepters, bolts of silk cloth, and<br />

powerful magic items all wait to be seized or unearthed<br />

by intrepid, treasure-seeking adventurers.<br />

This chapter details magic items and the placement of<br />

treasure in an adventure, as well as special rewards that<br />

can be granted instead of or in addition to magic items<br />

and mundane treasure.<br />


Treasure comes in many forms.<br />

Coins. The most basic type of treasure is money,<br />

including copper pieces (cp), silver pieces (sp), electrum<br />

pieces (ep), gold pieces (gp), and platinum pieces (pp).<br />

Fifty coins of any type weigh 1 pound.<br />

Gemstones. Gemstones are small, lightweight, and<br />

easily secured compared to their same value in coins.<br />

ee the "Gemstones" section for types of stones, gems,<br />

and jewels that can be found as treasure.<br />

Art Objects. Idols cast of solid gold, necklaces<br />

tudded with precious stones, paintings of ancient<br />

kings, bejeweled dishes- art objects include all these<br />

and more. See the "Art Objects" sectiori for types of<br />

decorative and valuable artworks that can be found<br />

as treasure.<br />

Magic Items. Types of magic items include armor,<br />

potions , scrolls, rings, rods, staffs, wands, weapons,<br />

and wondrous items. Magic items also have rarities:<br />

common, uncommon, rare, very rare, and legendary.<br />

Intelligent monsters often use magic items in their<br />

possession, while others might hide them away to<br />

ensure they don't get lost or stolen. For example, if a<br />

hobgoblin tribe has a +llongsword and an alchemy jug<br />

in its treasure hoard, the tribe's warlord might wield the<br />

word , while the jug is kept somewhere safe.<br />


The following pages contain tables that you can use<br />

to randomly generate treasures carried by monsters,<br />

tashed in their lairs, or otherwise hidden away. The<br />

placement of treasure is left to your discretion. The key<br />

is to make sure the players feel rewarded for playing,<br />

and that their characters are rewarded for overcoming<br />

dangerous challenges.<br />


Treasure can be randomly allocated based on a<br />

monster's challenge rating. There are tables for<br />

challenge rating 0- 4, challenge rating 5- 10, challenge<br />

rating 11- 16, and challenge rating 17 and higher. Use<br />

these tables to randomly determine how much money<br />

an individual monster carries (the D&D equivalent of<br />

pocket change) or the amount of wealth found in a larger<br />

treasure hoard.<br />


An Individual Treasure table helps you randomly<br />

determine how much treasure one creature carries on<br />

its person. If a monster has no interest in amassing<br />

treasure, you can use this table to determine the<br />

incidental treasure left behind by the monster's victims.<br />

Use the Individual Treasure table that corresponds to<br />

the monster's challenge rating. Roll a dlOO, and read the<br />

result across to determine how many coins of each type<br />

the monster carries. The table also includes the average<br />

result in parentheses, should you wish to forgo another<br />

roll and save time. To determine the total amount of<br />

individual treasure for a group of similar creatures, you<br />

can save time by rolling once and multiplying the result<br />

by the number of creatures in the group.<br />

If it doesn't make sense for a monster to carry a large<br />

pile of coins, you can convert the coins into gemstones<br />

or art objects of equal value.<br />


A Treasure Hoard table helps you randomly determine<br />

the contents of a large cache of treasure, the<br />

accumulated wealth of a large group of creatures (such<br />

as an ore tribe or a hobgoblin army), the belongings of<br />

a single powerful creature that likes to hoard treasure<br />

(such as a dragon), or the reward bestowed upon a party<br />

after completing a quest for a benefactor. You can also<br />

split up a treasure hoard so that the adventurers don't<br />

find or receive it all at once.<br />

When determining the contents of a hoard belonging<br />

to one monster, use the table that corresponds to that<br />

monster's challenge rating. When rolling to determine a<br />

treasure hoard belonging to a large group of monsters,<br />

use the challenge rating of the monster that leads the<br />

group. If the hoard belongs to no one, use the challenge<br />

rating of the monster that presides over the dungeon<br />

or lair you are stocking. If the hoard is a gift from a<br />

benefactor, use the challenge rating equal to the party's<br />

average level.<br />

Every treasure hoard contains a random number of<br />

coins, as shown at the top of each table. Roll a dlOO and<br />

consult the table to determine how many gemstones or<br />

art objects the hoard contains, if any. Use the same roll<br />

to determine whether the hoard contains magic items.<br />

As with the individual treasure tables, average values<br />

are given in parentheses. You can use an average value<br />

instead of rolling dice to save time.<br />

If a treasure hoard seems too small, you can roll<br />

multiple times on the table. Use this approach for<br />

monsters that are particularly fond of amassing<br />

treasure. Legendary creatures that accumulate treasure<br />

are wealthier than normal. Always roll at least twice on<br />

the appropriate table and add the results together.<br />

You can hand out as much or as little treasure as you<br />

want. Over the course of a typical campaign, a party<br />

finds treasure hoards amounting to seven rolls on the<br />

Challenge 0- 4 table, eighteen rolls on the Challenge<br />

5- 10 table, twelve rolls on the Challenge 11- 16 table,<br />

and eight rolls on the Challenge 17+ table.<br />



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