Dungeon Master's Guide

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The Nine Hells of Baa tor inflame the imaginations of<br />

travelers, the greed of treasure seekers, and the battle<br />

fury of all moral creatures. It is the ultimate plane of<br />

law and evil and the epitome of premeditated cruelty.<br />

The devils of the Nine Hells are bound to obey the laws<br />

of their superiors, but they rebel within their individual<br />

castes. Most undertake any plot, no matter how foul,<br />

to advance themselves. At the very top of the hierarchy<br />

is Asmodeus, who has yet to be bested. If he were to<br />

be vanquished, the victor would rule the plane in turn.<br />

Such is the law of the Nine Hells.<br />


Evil pervades the Nine Hells, and visitors to this plane<br />

feel its influence. At the end of each long rest taken on<br />

this plane, a visitor that isn't evil must make a DC 10<br />

Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature's<br />

alignment changes to lawful evil. The change becomes<br />

permanent if the creature doesn't leave the plane within<br />

ld4 days. Otherwise, the creature's alignment reverts<br />

to normal after one day spent on a plane other than the<br />

Nine Hells. Casting the dispel evil and good spell on the<br />

creature also restores its original alignment.<br />


The Nine Hells has nine layers. The first eight are<br />

each ruled by archdevils that answer to Asmodeus,<br />

the Archduke of Nessus, the ninth layer. To reach the<br />

deepest layer of the Nine Hells, one must descend<br />

through all eight of the layers above it, in order. The<br />

most expeditious means of doing so is the River Styx,<br />

which plunges ever deeper as it flows from one layer<br />

to the next. Only the most courageous adventurers can<br />

withstand the torment and horror of that journey.<br />

Avernus. No planar portals connect directly to the<br />

lower layers of the Nine Hells, by Asmodeus's orders.<br />

As such, the first layer of Avernus is the arrival point<br />

for visitors to the plane. A vern us is a rocky wasteland<br />

with rivers of blood and clouds of biting flies. Fiery<br />

comets occasionally fall from the darkened sky and<br />

leave fuming impact craters behind. Empty battlefields<br />

are littered with weapons and bones, showing where the<br />

legions of the Nine Hells met enemies on their native<br />

soil and prevailed.<br />

The archduchess Zariel rules Avernus, supplanting<br />

her rival, Bel, who has fallen out of Asmodeus's favor<br />

and is forced to serve as Zariel's advisor. Tiamat, the<br />

Queen of Evil Dragons, is a prisoner on this layer,<br />

ruling her own domain but confined to the Nine Hells<br />

by Asmodeus in accordance with some ancient contract<br />

(the terms of which are known only to Tiamat and the<br />

Lords of the Nine).<br />

Zariel's seat of power is a soaring basalt citadel<br />

festooned with the partially incinerated corpses of<br />

guests who failed to earn the archduchess's favor. Zariel<br />

appears as an angel whose once-beautiful skin and<br />

wings have been ruined by fire. Her eyes burn with a<br />

furious white light that can cause creatures looking<br />

upon her to burst into flame.<br />

Dis. Dis, the second layer of the Nine Hells, is a<br />

labyrinth of canyons wedged between sheer mountains<br />

rich with iron ore. Iron roads span and wend through<br />

the canyons, watched over by the garrisons of iron<br />

fortresses perched atop jagged pinnacles.<br />

The second layer takes its name from its current lord.<br />

Dispater. A manipulator and deceiver, the archduke is<br />

devilishly handsome, bearing only small horns, a tail,<br />

and a cloven left hoof to distinguish him from a human.<br />

His crimson throne stands in the heart of the Iron City<br />

of Dis, a hideous metropolis that is the largest in the<br />

Nine Hells. Planar travelers come here to conspire with<br />

devils and to close deals with night hags, rakshasas,<br />

incubi, succubi, and other fiends. Dispater collects a<br />

piece of every deal through special provisions that are<br />

added to contracts signed on his layer of the Nine Hells.<br />

Dispater is one of Asmodeus's most loyal and<br />

resourceful vassals, and few beings in the multiverse<br />

can outwit him. He is more obsessed than most devils<br />

with striking deals with mortals in exchange for their<br />

souls, and his emissaries work tirelessly to foster evil<br />

schemes in the Material Plane.<br />

Minauros. The third layer of the Nine Hells is a<br />

stench-ridden bog. Acidic rain spills from the layer's<br />

brown skies, thick layers of scum cover its putrid<br />

surface, and yawning pits lie in wait beneath the murk to<br />

engulf careless wanderers. Cyclopean cities of ornately<br />

carved stone rise up from the bog, including the great<br />

city of Minauros for which the layer is named.<br />

The slimy walls of the city rise hundreds of feet into<br />

the air, protecting the flooded halls of Mammon. The<br />

Archduke of Minauros resembles a massive serpent<br />

with the upper torso and head of a hairless, horned<br />

humanoid. Mammon's greed is legendary, and he is<br />

one of the few arch devils who will trade favors for gold<br />

instead of souls. His lair is piled high with treasures<br />

left behind by those who tried-and failed-to best him<br />

in a deal.<br />

Phlegethos. Phlegethos, the fourth layer, is a<br />

fiery landscape whose seas of molten magma brew<br />

hurricanes of hot wind, choking smoke, and pyroclastic<br />

ash. Within the fire-filled caldera of Phlegethos's largest<br />

volcano rises Abriymoch, a fortress city cast of obsidian<br />

and dark glass. With rivers of molten lava pouring<br />

down its outer walls, the city resembles the sculpted<br />

centerpiece of a gigantic, hellish fountain.<br />

Abriymoch is the seat of power for the two archdevils<br />

who rule Phlegethos in tandem: Archduke Belial and<br />

Archduchess Fierna, Belial's daughter. Belial is a<br />

handsome, powerfully built devil who exudes civility,<br />

even as his words carry an undercurrent of threat. His<br />

daughter is a statuesque devil whose beauty encases the<br />

blackest heart in the ine Hells. The alliance of Belial<br />

and Fierna is unbreakable, for both are aware that their<br />

mutual survival hinges on it.<br />

Stygia. The fifth layer of the Nine Hells is a freezing<br />

realm of ice within which cold flames burn. A frozen sea<br />

surrounds the layer. and its gloomy sky crackles with<br />

lightning.<br />

Archduke Levistus once betrayed Asmodeus and is<br />

now encased deep in the ice of Stygia as punishment.<br />

He rules this layer all the same, communicating<br />

telepathically with hi followers and servants, both in<br />

the Nine Hells and on the Material Plane.<br />


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