Dungeon Master's Guide

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d 100<br />

Property<br />

01-05 While attuned to the artifact, you have<br />

disadvantage on saving throws against spells.<br />

06-10 The first time you touch a gem or piece of jewelry<br />

while attuned to this artifact, the value of the gem<br />

or jewelry is reduced by half.<br />

11-15 While attuned to the artifact, you are blinded when<br />

you are more than 10 feet away from it.<br />

16-20 While attuned to the artifact, you have<br />

disadvantage on saving throws against poison.<br />

21-30 While attuned to the artifact, you emit a sour<br />

stench noticeable from up to 10 feet away.<br />

31-35 While attuned to the artifact, all holy water within<br />

10 feet of you is destroyed.<br />

36-40 While attuned to the artifact, you are physically<br />

ill and have disadvantage on any ability check or<br />

saving throw that uses Strength or Constitution.<br />

41-45 While attuned to the artifact, your weight increases<br />

by 1d4 x 10 pounds.<br />

46-50 While attuned to the artifact, your appearance<br />

changes as the OM decides.<br />

51-ss- While attuned to the artifact, you are deafened<br />

when you are more than 10 feet away from it.<br />

56-60 While attuned to the artifact, your weight drops by<br />

1d4 x 5 pounds.<br />

61-65 While attuned to the artifact, you can't smell.<br />

66-70 While attuned to the artifact, non magical flames<br />

are extinguished within 30 feet of you.<br />

71-80 While you are attuned to the artifact, other<br />

creatures can't take short or long rests while within<br />

300 feet of you.<br />

81-85 While attuned to the artifact, you deal 1 d6 necrotic<br />

damage to any plant you touch that isn't a creature.<br />

86-90 While you are attuned to the artifact, animals<br />

within 30 feet of you are hostile toward you.<br />

91-95 While attuned to the artifact, you must eat and<br />

drink six times the normal amount each day.<br />

96-00 While you are attuned to the artifact, your fla w is<br />

amplified in a way determined by the OM .<br />

d 1 00<br />

Property<br />

01-05 While you are attuned to the artifact, your body<br />

rots over the course of four days, after which the<br />

rotting stops. You lose your hair by the end of day<br />

1, finger tips and toe tips by the end of day 2, lips<br />

and nose by the end of day 3, and ears by the end<br />

of day 4. A regenerate spell restores lost body pa rts<br />

06-10 While you are attuned to the artifact, you<br />

determine your alignment daily at dawn by rolling<br />

a d6 twice . On the first roll, a 1- 2 indicates lawful,<br />

3-4 neutral, and S-6 chaotic. On the second ro ll , a<br />

1-2 indicates good, 3-4 neutral, and S-6 evil.<br />

11-15 When you first attune to the artifact, it gives you a<br />

quest determined by the OM. You must complete<br />

this quest as if affected by the geas spell. Once you<br />

complete the quest, you are no longer affected by<br />

this property.<br />

16-20 The artifact houses a bodiless life force that is<br />

hostile toward you. Each time you use an action<br />

to use one of the artifact's properties, there is a<br />

50 percent chance that the life force tries to leave<br />

the artifact and enter your body. If you fail a DC<br />

20 Charisma saving throw, it succeeds, and you<br />

become an N PC under the OM's control until the<br />

intruding life force is banished using magic such as<br />

the dispel evil and good spell.<br />

21-25 Creatures with a challenge rating ofO, as well as<br />

plants that aren't creatures, drop to 0 hit points<br />

when within 10 feet of the artifact.<br />

26-30 The artifact imprisons a death slaad (see the<br />

Monster Manual). Each time you use one ofthe<br />

artifact's properties as an action, the slaad has<br />

a 10 percent chance of escaping, whereupon it<br />

appears within 15 feet of you and attacks you.<br />

31-35 While you are attuned to the artifact, creatures of a<br />

particular type other than humanoid (as chosen by<br />

the OM) are always hostile toward you .<br />

36-40 The artifact dilutes magic potions within 10 feet of<br />

it, rendering them nonmagical.<br />

41-45 The artifact erases magic scrolls within 10 feet of<br />

it, rendering them nonmagical.<br />

46-50 Before using one of the artifact's properties as<br />

an action, you must use a bonus action to draw<br />

blood, either from yourself or from a willing or<br />

incapacitated creature within your reach, using a<br />

piercing or slashing melee weapon. The subject<br />

takes 1 d4 damage of the appropriate type.<br />

51-60 When you become attuned to the artifact, you<br />

gain a form of long-term madness (see chapter 8,<br />

"Running the Game").<br />

61-65 You take 4d10 psychic damage when you become<br />

attuned to the a rtifact.<br />

66-70 You take 8d10 psychic damage when you become<br />

attuned to the artifact.<br />

71-75 Before you can become attuned to the artifact, yo u<br />

must kil l a creature of your alignment.<br />

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