Dungeon Master's Guide

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actual homes aren't literally places at all, but exemplify<br />

the idea that the Outer Planes are realms of thought and<br />

spirit. As with the Elemental Planes, one can imagine<br />

the perceptible part of the Outer Planes as a border<br />

region, while extensive spiritual regions lie beyond<br />

ordinary sensory experience.<br />

Even in perceptible regions, appearances can be<br />

deceptive. Initially, many of the Outer Planes appear<br />

hospitable and familiar to natives of the Material Plane.<br />

But the landscape can change at a whim of the powerful<br />

forces that dwell on these planes, which can remake<br />

them completely, effectively erasing and rebuilding<br />

existence to better fulfill their divine needs.<br />

Distance is a virtually meaningless concept on the<br />

Outer Planes. The perceptible regions of the planes can<br />

seem quite small, but they can also stretch on to what<br />

seems like infinity. Adventurers could take a guided<br />

tour of the Nine Hells, from the first layer to the ninth,<br />

in a single day- if the powers of the Hells desire it. Or it<br />

could take weeks for travelers to make a grueling trek<br />

across a single layer.<br />

The default Outer Planes are a group of sixteen planes<br />

that correspond to the eight alignments (excluding<br />

neutrality, which is represented by the Outlands,<br />

described in the section on "Other Planes") and the<br />

shades of distinction between them.<br />


Outer Plane<br />

Mount Celestia, the Seven Heavens of<br />

Bytopia, the Twin Paradises of<br />

Elysium, the Blessed Fields of<br />

The Beastlands, the Wilderness of<br />

Arborea, the Olympian Glades of<br />

Ysgard , the Heroic Domains of<br />

Limbo, the Ever-Changing Chaos of<br />

Pandemonium, the Windswept Depths of<br />

The Abyss, the Infinite Layers of<br />

Carceri, the Tarterian Depths of<br />

Hades, the Gray Waste of<br />

Gehenna, the Bleak Eternity of<br />

The Nine Hells of Baator<br />

Acheron, the Infinite Battlefield of<br />

Mechanus, the Clockwork Nirvana of<br />

Arcadia, the Peaceable Kingdoms of<br />

Alignment<br />

LG<br />

NG, LG<br />

NG<br />

NG, CG<br />

CG<br />

CN,CG<br />

CN<br />

CN, CE<br />

CE<br />

NE,CE<br />

NE<br />

NE, LE<br />

LE<br />

LN , LE<br />

LN<br />

LN , LG<br />

The planes with an element of good in their nature are<br />

called the Upper Planes, while those with an element<br />

of evil are the Lower Planes. A plane's alignment is<br />

its essence, and a character whose alignment doesn't<br />

match the plane's alignment experiences a sense of<br />

dissonance there. When a good creature visits Elysium,<br />

for example, it feels in tune with the plane, but an<br />

evil creature feels out of tune and more than a little<br />

uncomfortable.<br />

The Upper Planes are the home of celestial creatures,<br />

including angels, couatls , and pegasi. The Lower Planes<br />

are the home of fiends: demons, devils, yugoloths,<br />

and their ilk. The planes in between host their own<br />

unique denizens: the construct race of modrons<br />

inhabit Mechanus, and the aberrations called slaadi<br />

thrive in Limbo.<br />


Most of the Outer Planes include a number of distinct<br />

environments or realms. These realms are often<br />

imagined and depicted as a stack of related parts of the<br />

same plane, so travelers refer to them as layers. For<br />

example, Mount Celestia resembles a seven-tiered layer<br />

cake, the Nine Hells has nine layers, and the Abyss has<br />

a seemingly endless number of layers.<br />

Most portals from elsewhere reach the first layer of a<br />

multilayered plane. This layer is variously depicted as<br />

the top or bottom layer, depending on the plane. As the<br />

arrival point for most visitors, the first layer functions<br />

like a city gate for that plane.<br />


Traveling between the Outer Planes isn't dissimilar<br />

from reaching the Outer Planes in the first place.<br />

Characters traveling by means of the astral projection<br />

spell can go from one plane into the Astral Plane, and<br />

there search out a color pool leading to the desired<br />

destination. Characters can also use plane shift to reach<br />

a different plane more directly. Most often, though,<br />

characters use portals- either a portal that links the two<br />

planes directly or a portal leading to Sigil, City of Door .<br />

which holds portals to all the planes.<br />

Two planar features connect multiple Outer Planes<br />

together: the River Styx and the Infinite Staircase.<br />

Other planar crossings might exist in your campaign,<br />

such as a World Tree whose roots touch the Lower<br />

Planes and whose branches reach to the Upper Planes.<br />

or it might be possible to walk from one plane to another<br />

in your cosmology.<br />


This river bubbles with grease, foul flotsam, and<br />

the putrid remains of battles along its banks. Any<br />

creature other than a fiend that tastes or touches the<br />

water ·is affected by a feeblemind spell. The DC of the<br />

Intelligence saving throw to resist the effect is 15.<br />

The Styx churns through the top layers of Acheron,<br />

the Nine Hells, Gehenna, Hades, Carceri, the Abyss, and<br />

Pandemonium. Tributaries of the Styx snake onto lower<br />

layers of these planes. For example, a tendril of the Styx<br />

winds through every layer of the Nine Hells, allowing<br />

passage from one layer of that plane to the next.<br />

Sinister ferries float on the waters of the Styx, crewed<br />

by pilots skilled in negotiating the unpredictable<br />

currents and eddies of the river. For a price, these pilots<br />

are willing to carry passengers from plane to plane.<br />

Some of them are fiends, while others are the souls of<br />

dead creatures from the Material Plane.<br />


The Infinite Staircase is an extradimensional spiral<br />

staircase that connects the planes. An entrance to the<br />

Infinite Staircase usually appears as a nondescript<br />

door. Beyond the portal lies a small landing with an<br />

equally nondescript stairway leading up and down. The<br />

Infinite Staircase changes appearance as it climbs and<br />


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