BP 2007 Products

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waters which, in the Seller's reasonably held opinion, would involve<br />

abnormal delay; or<br /> to undertake any activity in furtherance of the voyage which in the<br />

opinion of the Vessel’s master could place the Vessel, its cargo or crew<br />

at risk.<br />

9.4.3 If the Seller agrees to direct a Vessel to undertake or to complete the voyage as<br />

referred to in Section 9.4.2, the Buyer undertakes to reimburse the Seller, in<br />

addition to the price payable under the Agreement, for costs incurred by the<br />

Seller in respect of any additional insurance premia (including those referred to<br />

in Section 9.2) and any other sums that the Seller may be required to pay to the<br />

Vessel's owner including but not limited to any sums in respect of any amounts<br />

deductible under such owners' insurance and any other costs and/or expenses<br />

incurred by the Seller.<br />

Section 10 – Charter party conditions<br />

10.1 This Section shall only apply in the case of delivery CFR or CIF.<br />

10.2 Subject always to any provisions for payment and documents pursuant to Sections 30.1,<br />

30.7 and/or Section 30.8, the Seller may arrange shipment under bills of lading which<br />

incorporate charterparty conditions normally in use for Vessels. Without prejudice to the<br />

generality of the foregoing, such conditions shall be deemed to include:<br />

10.2.1 the provision that the shipment shall be pumped out of the Vessel at the Vessel's<br />

expense;<br />

10.2.2 the provision that if, at any time after loading but before commencement of<br />

discharge:<br /> importation of the Product comprising the shipment at the port at<br />

which discharge was to have taken place is prohibited under the laws<br />

of the country in which such Product was produced, or by regulations,<br />

rules, directives or guidelines applied by the government of that<br />

country or any relevant agency thereof; and/or<br /> the country, state, territory or region at which discharge was to have<br />

taken place becomes a restricted jurisdiction (as defined in Section<br />

28.2);<br />

the shipment shall be discharged at an alternative safe port nominated by the Buyer which<br />

is not subject to any such prohibition and which is acceptable to the Seller (which<br />

acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld).<br />

10.3 If any prohibition referred to in Section 10.2.2 becomes applicable, such alternative port<br />

shall be deemed to be the Discharge Port stipulated under the Agreement for the<br />

shipment in question and all extra expenses (if any) involved in the Vessel’s reaching such<br />

alternative Discharge Port and/or in the discharge of the shipment thereat shall be for the<br />

Buyer's account.<br />

10.4 Without prejudice to the Buyer’s obligations under Section 13, the Seller undertakes in all<br />

cases to settle freight and demurrage due to the shipowners.<br />

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