VIVA NOLA January 2020

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Nicole Caridad takes part in

the most exciting food-related

events in town and she gets

hired for marketing/influencer

campaigns by many local

restaurants to promote their


It is hard to believe the

food blog isn’t her fulltime

job. Behind the foodie

extraordinaire is a very

committed Higher Education

Administration professional.

Dr. Nicole Caridad Ralston

is an educator in leadership,

intercultural development,

equity, inclusion, and social

justice. Those who know Nicole

personally describe her as “the

real deal.”

In a world so dazzled by

the superficial, finding out

about someone like Nicole

Caridad is a breath of fresh

air. Sure, she looks like she

is always Instagram-ready

with stylish clothes, perfectly

done manicures, and flawless

make-up, but her style goes

beyond the superficial. Nicole

Caridad is highly educated.

She cherishes her doctorate

degree because she was the

first person in her family to

go to college straight out of

high school. She says higher

education was a powerful

experience for her, an

experience she feels many

people should be able to


Nicole deliberately moved to

New Orleans in 2012 after

completing her master’s

degree in Higher Education

Administration from NC State

University. Enticed by the rich

history of the Crescent City,

the cultural traditions, the food

scene, and the similarities to

the Caribbean, New Orleans

became Ralston’s clear choice

for relocating with her thenboyfriend,

now-husband. “I

really deep down felt called to

New Orleans... I really could

not imagine life anywhere

else. The food is amazing, the

culture is amazing, everything

about it I just love, and I feel

very honored to live and be in

this place and to call it home.”

Her father, an American of

Irish descent, met her Cuban

immigrant mother in Los

Angeles, where Ralston was

born. The family moved to

South Florida when Nicole

was a child. That’s where

Nicole grew up, surrounded

by her Cuban family and

enjoying weekends at a farm

in Homestead where she

learned to love her roots.

“I have beautiful memories

about being on the farm and

picking food and eating fresh

meat that grew in the farm...

Rabbits, chickens, goats, pigs…

Being in the kitchen with my

abuelo and mom, cooking.”

Her bicultural upbringing has

given Nicole a high awareness

of the social inequities people

experience. Growing up having

to navigate two very different

cultures, languages, food, and

customs instilled in Nicole a

sense of empathy and a deep

understanding of cross-cultural

communication, finding validity

in how individuals from other

cultures value different things.

Her higher education journey

was also one of finding herself

and understanding who she

really was. In many moments

of her life, having different

Viva NOLA Magazine - Page 21

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