Say hello to Trnava - Trnava Travel Guide

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Whether you are planning a one-day trip or a weekend stay in Trnava and its surroundings, you will get all the information to avoid being bored.


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30 Pamiatky | Historical monuments

Centrum mesta | Around city center



The town fortification


Mestské hradby v Trnave

patria k najstarším stredovekým


slovenských miest.

The town fortification in Trnava is one

of the oldest medieval town fortifications

in Slovakia.


Rozmer opevnenia | Fortification dimension

800 x 700 m

Po ich výstavbe v 13. storočí vymedzovali plochu

s veľkosťou približne 56 hektárov, čo spravilo

z Trnavy jedno z najväčších miest v Európe.

Výstavba hradieb bola v tom čase najväčším

stavebným projektom v Uhorsku. V prvej fáze

sa budovali drevozemné valy a štvorhranné

obranné veže s takmer dva metre hrubými

stenami z pálených tehál. Ku každej zo štyroch

mestských brán následne viedol most ponad

vodnú priekopu, ktorú okolo hradieb umelo


Zaujímavým je určite aj takmer pravidelný

obdĺžnikový tvar opevnenia s rozmermi približne

800 x 700 metrov. Časom funkcia hradieb

zanikla, a tak sa k nim začali pristavovať rôzne

malé objekty, pričom sa, bohužiaľ, samotné

opevnenie rozoberalo ako stavebný materiál.

Napriek zbúraniu ďalšej časti hradieb kvôli výstavbe

ciest a chodníkov, veľká časť opevnenia

sa zachovala dodnes.


After its construction in the 13 th century, it

defined an area of ​approximately 56 hectares,

which made Trnava one of the biggest towns

in Europe at the time. The construction of the

fortification was the largest construction project

in the Kingdom of Hungary. First, wood-ground

ramparts and square defense towers with

almost two-meter-thick brick walls were built. To

each of the four town gates led a bridge over

the water ditch excavated artificially around the

walls. An almost regular rectangular form of

fortification with dimensions of approximately

800 x 700 meters is also very interesting.

Over time, the purpose of the fortification vanished

and various small objects were added.

Unfortunately, the fortification was demounted

as a construction material. Notwithstanding the

demolition of another part of the fortification

due to the construction of roads and sidewalks,

a large part of the fortification has been preserved

to this day.

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