Say hello to Trnava - Trnava Travel Guide

Whether you are planning a one-day trip or a weekend stay in Trnava and its surroundings, you will get all the information to avoid being bored.

Whether you are planning a one-day trip or a weekend stay in Trnava and its surroundings, you will get all the information to avoid being bored.


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adventné trhy

Medieval Advent Market


Preneste sa v čase na Stredovekých adventných

trhoch, ktoré patria k výnimočným podujatiam

nielen v Trnave, ale na celom Slovensku.

Sú totiž skutočne autentické, opäť tu ožívajú

staré remeslá, vzduchom sa nesie vôňa medoviny

a čečiny, ale aj zvuk kladiva, pod ktorým

sa razia mince. Mikulášske námestie pri jednej

z najväčších dominánt mesta Trnavy —

Bazilike sv. Mikuláša, sa mení na čarovné

miesto aj vďaka remeselníkom v dobovom

oblečení, živým zvieratkám, tradičnému punču

či drevenému kolotoču pre deti. Kto by dokázal

takejto atmosfére odolať?

Zaujíma vás, ako sa žilo v minulosti?

Would you like to know more about the life in the past?


Travel back in time at the

Medieval Advent market, an

extraordinary event not only in

Trnava, but all over Slovakia.

The market’s atmosphere

is very authentic. Old crafts

come to life again, smell of

mead and spruce branches

hangs in the air and you

can even hear hammer

bangs minting coins.

Thanks to craftsmen

in historical clothes,

live animals, traditional

hot Christmas punch

or wooden carousel

for children, St. Nicolas

Square, located close

to one of the main dominants

of Trnava,

St. Nicolas Basilica, turns

into a magical place. Who

could resist it?

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