Say hello to Trnava - Trnava Travel Guide

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Whether you are planning a one-day trip or a weekend stay in Trnava and its surroundings, you will get all the information to avoid being bored.


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Kultúra | Culture

Voľný čas | Leisure

Paulínska ulica | Paulínska street


Mesiac talianskeho

či francúzskeho filmu

Noc v kine


Jeden svet

Projekt 100

Month of Italian

or French film

Night in Cinema


One World

Project 100



Hviezda Cinema



Kino Hviezda otvorili v Trnave v roku 1972.

V tom čase patrilo k najmodernejším v republike,

nakoľko išlo o panoramatické kino so stereo

zvukom. Používali sa v ňom špeciálne premietacie

prístroje, ktoré premietali filmy aj so šírkou

70 mm (klasická šírka je 35 mm). V roku 2005

prešlo kino celkovou rekonštrukciou. Počet sedadiel

sa znížil na 320 miest, pôvodné sedenie

bolo vymenené za kvalitné miesta sedačkového

typu. Pred premietacie plátno sa postavilo

vyvýšené pódium, čím sa z jednoúčelovej

kinosály stalo kino viacúčelové. Premietacie

prístroje boli vymenené za novší typ a kompletne

sa vymenilo aj zvukové prehrávanie.

Samostatnou kapitolou filmového premietania

je premietanie artových filmov vo filmovom klube

NAOKO. Tu sa premietajú staršie filmy, resp.

filmy, ktoré sa nedostanú do širšej distribúcie.

V kine prebiehajú aj rôzne filmové festivaly.

The Hviezda Cinema opened in Trnava in 1972.

During that time it was one of the most modern

in the country, as it was a panoramic cinema

with stereo sound. It used special projection

equipment that projected 70 mm films (35 mm

is a classic width). The cinema went under

a complete reconstruction in 2005. The number

of seats has been reduced to 320, the

original seats have been replaced with

high-quality seats. A raised podium was built

in front of the projection screen, making the

single-purpose cinema a multi-purpose one.

Projection devices have been changed to

a newer type and the audio playback has been

replaced completely. It is worth mentioning the

screening of art films at the NAOKO film club.

It regularly offers projections of either older

movies or movies which do not get widely

distributed. There are also various film festivals

in the cinema.

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